All posts by Miss Murray

Halloween Fun πŸŽƒ

We have had great fun celebrating Halloween in school – we have all been very excited! I loved seeing everyone’s costumes and how happy everyone was.

We did a pumpkin hunt outside in the playground and had to find the different letters. We then put all the letters together and spelled the word ‘Halloween’.

We did a Halloween word search and decorated a biscuit with ghosts and cobwebs.


  • Parents Night will be next week (week beginning 26th) and, due to current restrictions, will be a phone call rather than in person. We will let you know the day and the rough time for the phone call.
  • Hallowe’en – on Friday 30th October children can come to school dressed up for Hallowe’en. We will take part in different Hallowe’en activities in class.
  • P.E – outdoor P.E. will be on Tuesday and our yoga P.E. will be on Monday in the hall.Β  On these days children can wear trainers, leggings/ joggers but must have school t-shirts/ polo shirts.

P.E. – Tuesday

As we have yoga on a Monday, our new outdoor P.E. day is on a Tuesday – sorry for changing it!
Please can children come to school on a Tuesday wearing suitable outdoor shoes for P.E. and leggings/jogging bottoms.
Thank you!