Thursday’s Literacy Lesson

Reading Thursday

annies home: Get Your Family Reading

Warm Up:

  • Can you read all 100 common words in this video?

Main Activity:

Primary 1 

  • Read the short story below about Jess and then answer the questions. Remember to sound out words you aren’t sure of.
  • You can answer the questions by talking to someone at home or you can write your answers in your jotter.
  • If you are writing the answers, remember to try and answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop e.g. for question number 1 start your answer like this:
  1. Jess is a ______ .

Primary 2

  • Read the short story below about Rosko and then answer the questions. Remember to sound out words you aren’t sure of.
  •  Try and answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.

Extra Challenge:

Epic Reading
Class Code:    uyu2215
Oxford Owl
Username:    woodlandsreading   Password:     pupil
  • Use the questions below to talk about the book with someone at home.

Teacher's Pet - Guided Reading Questions Mat - FREE Classroom ...

Games to Support Learning:

  • Click on the pictures below to practise your literacy skills with these fun games

Help A Hedgehog    Poop Deck Pirates

Forest Phonics


One thought on “Thursday’s Literacy Lesson”

  1. Thanks for leaving the reading log-ins again – its been on my list to ask for them! The books you selected for Jake are pretty spot on – excited to show him them later and think I might even get a smile out of him today. Hope you are well 🙂

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