Wednesday Literacy Lesson

Literacy Wednesday

Warm Up

  • Primary 1’s watch this video with all our jolly phonics sounds and actions – how many do you remember?

  • Primary 2’s watch this video with your digraphs –  can you join in? 

Main Activity

  • Look at the sheet below. Write a word that begins with each letter of the alphabet – maybe you could draw a picture of something that begins with that letter too.
  • Remember to sound out your word when you are writing it and read it back to make sure you haven’t missed any letters.
  • Primary 2’s try and include your digraphs too.
  • Who can write a word for all 26 letters of the alphabet?

Write The Room Recording Sheet by The Primary Post by Hayley Lewallen

Extra Challenge

  • Try and write you words in capitals as well as lowercase letters.
  • Use your words to try and write a sentence – how many of your words can you get into one sentence?

Game to support learning

  • Click on this link Little Bird Spelling to practise your spelling (click on Year 1 or Year 2 at the top then choose a book).

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