Tuesday Literacy Lesson

Good morning p1/2,

It looks like it’s going to be another sunny day – hopefully you’ll get to go outside and enjoy some of the lovely spring sunshine! Have you seen any spring daffodils or buds on the trees?

Here are today’s activities for you to have a go at – remember just to try your best and do what you can. I can’t wait to see some of the super work you have been doing!

Writing Tuesday

Today we are going to be writing a story about a picture of a family at home – just like you and your family at the moment!

Warm up:

  • Play this game to help you practise writing sentences. Click on ‘Phase 3’ – Writing Runway
  • Watch this video to help remind you how to write a sentence.

Main Task:

  • Look at the picture below.  Talk about it with someone at home. Who is in the picture? What are they doing? What time of day is it?
  • Write about the picture using sentences. Say your sentences out loud before you write them.
  • Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Try to include a joining word (and, so, but, because) to join two sentences together.
  • Can you use any describing words to add extra detail to your story e.g. The grey cat is on the round rug.

Remember to keep reading your sentence back to make sure it makes sense and you haven’t missed any words.

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you read your story to someone at home?
  • If you would like to, draw a picture of what you think might happen next in the story.


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