Homework and Reminders 03.02.20

Show and Tell 

  • Show and Tell will now only be on a Friday afternoon. Children can bring in a toy or a story to share with the class if they wish – please be aware that this is optional and in no way obligatory.

Sumdog and Websites

  • Please log in and play Sumdog using your log-in details. This is a great website for literacy and mental maths games. It can be played on a phone, computer or tablet.
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child – this is making a huge difference. I will continue to give 3 new books over the course of 2 weeks.
  • Please complete the worksheet in pencil in your homework folder.
  • Go over your words in your homework folder – sort your words out into words you can read easily and words you find tricky.
  • Can you make 4 letter words with your sound cards?









    Let me know if you have any questions or queries.
  •  As always, thank you for your hard work with your homework. 

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