Friday’s Literacy Lesson

Morning Primary 1/2!Β 

YELLOWDOG GRANNY: Shake your booty it's Friday

We’ve made it to another Friday – well done us πŸ˜ƒ! I am still missing you all lots. Well done to everyone who has been reading on Epic – our class has read over 50 books and we were awarded another badge on our ‘Readerpillar’ πŸ†πŸ“š


Here are the last of the weeks Home Learning activities….give them a go and try your best. Have a lovely weekend ✨.

Rhyming Friday

Today we are going to do some rhyming work.Β  Remember words rhyme when they have the same sound at the end e.g. dog, log, jogΒ Β 

Teal Chevron Poem Terminology Posters | Similes and metaphors ...

Warm Up:

  • Watch the video and join in – can you spot the words that rhyme and the words that don’t rhyme? Have fun playing along!


Main Activity:

  • Write down a word that rhymes with each of the words on the sheet – you can draw a picture to go along with your rhyming word.Β 
  • If you can, try and come up with other words that rhyme too.

EYFS/KS1 Rhyming words activity | Teaching Resources

  • Find the pairs of rhyming words in the sheet below – you don’t need to write the words down, just match them by talking about themΒ 

Matching rhyming words for mixed year 1/2 class- worksheets ...

Extra Challenge:

  • Listen to this funny rhyming story – how many rhyming words can you hear? There are lots and lots!Β 

  • What is your favourite rhyme you heard in the story? I like ‘puffins sit on muffins‘ best.Β 

Games to Support Learning:

  • Play one of these rhyming games – Partners in Rhyme or Shark Rhyme.
  • You could also play this game as a family:Β  One person starts with a word and then each person has to say a word that rhymes with it.Β  So the 1st person might say cat, the next person bat, the next sat etc. until you can’t think of any more rhyming words!Β 

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