Tuesday Literacy Lesson

Morning p1/2. 

Happy Tuesday From KneeBees Team :)! | KneeBees

I hope you had a nice time over the holiday weekend. Here are today’s activities for you to try. 

Writing Tuesday

Today we are going to be writing sentences about a picture. I remember you were so good at this in class. 

Warm up:

  • Play this game to help you practice writing sentences. Click on ‘Phase 3’: Writing Runway
  • Watch this video about sentence writing:

Main Activity:

  • Look at the picture below.  Talk about it with someone at home. Think about these questions:


    Who is in the story?
    What day is it? Is it the holidays?
    What are they doing?
    Where are they?
    What are they wearing?
    Why are they outside?
  • Write about the picture using sentences.  Say your sentences out loud before you write them.
  • Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Write your letters neatly and remember to keep reading your sentence back to make sure it makes sense and you haven’t missed any words.
The Rainy DayHere are some words you could use in your story:

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you include a joining word – and, but, so or because – to join two sentences together?
  • Can you use any describing words to add extra detail to your story e.g. red boots, dark clouds.

Epic Reading:

As well as the Oxford Owl login I gave you last week, for online reading books, I have created a class login for another online reading site called EPIC!
Epic Announces Free Support for Educators, Students and Families ...
These are the login instructions:
For Laptops/Chromebooks:
For iOS / Android:
  • Download the Epic App
  • After launching the Epic app, Select “Have an account? Log In” then click “Students & Educators”
  • Log in with your class code uyu2215
  • Select your name and you’re in!


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