Thursday Maths Lesson

Maths Topic Thursday  Symmetry

Today we will be learning all about symmetry – I remember we really liked learning about symmetry in class.  We made lots of symmetrical pictures using butterflies and scarecrows etc.
Can you remember what symmetrical means?
It means that both sides of something are the exact same – just like butterflies are.

Copy Of Symmetry Butterflies And Bugs - Lessons - Tes TeachWarm Up:

  • Watch this video (and sing along) to remind you all about symmetry

Games to practise your symmetry skills:

Main Activity:

  • Go on a symmetry hunt. How many symmetrical things can you find in your house or outside?
  • Try and use some different things you might have around the house, or outside, to make a symmetrical picture.
  • Have a look at the pictures below for some ideas….you could use lego blocks, stones, leaves, or paint one half of a butterfly and fold it over.

Fun way to learn symmetry with Duplo | Lego activities, Lego math ...

Nature bugs (With images) | Art drawings for kids, Fun crafts for ...

Math/Science and Art for kids: Symmetry in Nature - YouTube

Extra Challenge:

  • Use one half of a photograph of yourself, or a cutting from a magazine or newspaper, and draw the other half to make the picture symmetrical. Look a the example below to help you!

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