Write down your numbers as far as you can – you can try and count up in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s or 10’s. Who can reach the highest number?
Main Task:
In class we learned our number stories to 10.
Remember a ‘number story’ includes all the different ways to make a number e.g. here are the number stories of 2 and 3:
To remind you of your number stories, click on this link: Number Storiesand it should go through each number story one after the next. If the link doesn’t work then type ‘number pairs’ into YouTube.
In your jotter, or on a piece of paper, can you write down the number stories for numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Write down all the different ways to make each number, just like in the examples above.
You can make you number stories colourful, or make them like a poster, if you wish.
Do you remember the pattern we worked out in class? There are 2 ways to make 1, 3 ways to make 2, 4 ways to make 3, 5 ways to make 4 etc.
Extra Challenge:
Can you write down the number stories for numbers bigger than 10?
Game to Support Learning:
Play Sumdog for 10 minutes – Mr Green is awarding Sumdog champions. Well done to MS for being a Sumdog Champion last Friday!