Monday Literacy Lesson

Phonics Monday

Today we are going to be learning all about the digraph ch.

Warm up:

  • Can you remember what a digraph is?
  • Watch these two YouTube clips all about ch:

Main Task

  • In your jotter write some words with ch e.g  chin, chat, rich.
  • Write a sentence with a ch word in it. Remember a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces in your sentence.
  • Draw a picture to illustrate your ch sentence.
  • Set it out in your jotter like this:
Ch words:

  __________________________                                                 __________________________

__________________________                                                 __________________________

__________________________                                                __________________________

__________________________                                                  __________________________

Ch sentences:




Ch picture:

Extra Challenge:

  • How many ch words can you write in one sentence e.g. The chick sat on the bench and had a chat and his lunch.

Game to support Learning:

  • Practise your blending with the game below. Challenge yourself by clicking on the ‘Phase 3 sounds’.


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