Homework 16.03.20

Literacy Homework

  • Try playing this game at home – we play it in class and the children really love it:
  • https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/helpAHedgehog/
  • Please revise all common words learned so far.
  • This weeks sound is th. Can you use your sound cards to make the th words below?
  • thin
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child. Can you find any th words in your book?
    Maths Homework 
  • Please complete the maths worksheet in pencil.
  • Can you answer the following missing number sums:
    14 + ? = 16
    4 +? = 7
    19 + ? = 24
    6 + ? = 9
    18 + ? = 21
    10 + ? = 14

5 thoughts on “Homework 16.03.20”

  1. Hello Miss Murray! We hope you are well 🙂 our log in doesn’t work for sumdog – can you get in touch to check it is correct please?

      1. Hiya – no we cant get it to work (might be more to do with me though!) I’ve made a parent account and set up a new child profile to use for now but would like to link with his school one if needed?

        1. That’s annoying for you – I can’t think why it hasn’t worked. I am sure he used it in class when we went to the ICT Suite. I am working on Thursday so can try and get it sorted when I am in school. I’ll let you know! I meant to say thank you so much for my present you handed in on Friday – very much appreciated. Hope everyone is safe and well with you guys.

          1. Ah-ha! It’s a ‘c’ not an ‘e’ lol the font makes the c a bit curly!

            (Your very welcome, you deserve a full size one after all this!)

            Thanks to you and all the staff 🙂

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