It is the ‘Christmas Cinema’ event this Thursday after school. If your child would like to come along and watch a film please hand in the form ASAP. It costs £2 and popcorn, a hotdog and a drink is provided.
Please hand in the slips letting us know what your child would like for the Christmas lunch on Wednesday 11th December. Children in p1/2 get free school meals but still need to indicate what they would like.
Primary 1 Homework
Please continue to revise all sounds in your word wallet.
We are still looking at words with ‘at‘ in them. Can you make up these at words with your sound cards:
This weeks words are : she came dad not are
Can you make up a sentence with the words and sounds in your word wallet e.g. She was not in the bus with dad.
Reading Book
Please try and read as often as you can.
Remember to point to each word as you read it.
Can you find any of your words or sounds in your book?
Please complete the sheet in the pencil.
Try answering some questions about the number before and after/more than and less than:
9 + 1 =
2 less than 10
The number after 7
2 + 0 =
2 more than 5
5 add 0 =
Primary 2 Homework
P2’s were given a ‘Festive Homework’ Sheet – let me know if you need any resources to complete the activities.
Sounds and Words
Go over your words and sounds in your folder.
Can you make a sentence with your words and sound cards?
Reading Book
Try and read your reading book as often as you can.
Remember to point to each word as you read it.
Please play this game at home. You can play it on a phone or tablet: