p1 pupils have come home with 2 letters regarding their p1 class photo in the Cumbernauld News.
The photo will be taken on Tuesday 10th September.
If you wish to purchase a souvenir edition on Wednesday 9th October please complete the letter and hand it back in to school with the correct money.
Just a reminder that P.E. days are a Thursday and a Friday .
Please make sure that children have:
Children can leave their P.E. kit in school if that is easier (they each have their own box).
Today we were having more fun in the Learning Zone.
P1’s have been learning the sounds ‘t’ and ‘a’ this week and enjoyed being text detectives and finding the sounds in the learning zone!
P2’s have been practising their handwriting and working on ordering numbers.
P1’s have come home with a letter today regarding a ‘Homework Workshop’ next week.
Please complete the slip and hand it back into school indicating which day, if any, you wish to attend.
Thank you.
Today in the Learning Zone it was ‘Free Play Friday’ – that means we can move area.
There seems to have been a mix up with school blazers.
I have a size 23 school blazer in the class. Someone is missing a size 25 blazer which only has one button. Can you please check if you have this blazer at home and we can swap them back.
Can you please ensure all clothing/belongings are labelled.
As always, thank you for your support.
Today we talked about different jobs and different people who help us in the community.
We then thought about what job we want to have when we are older and drew some fantastic pictures.
Today the p2’s did some addition and subtraction sums whilst the p1’s used the new maths games in class.
We’ve had a great Friday.
This morning we went to assembly. After break we went to the Learning Zone and then had P.E.
This afternoon we decorated portraits for our pegs and the p2’s did some revision work on sounds and words.
We’ve had a busy day in p1/2.
Our p2’s did some sound and word revision with Mrs Watson and then came and joined the p1’s in the Learning Zone.
We then spent time writing our names and taking our pens ‘for a walk’.
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Primary 1a and Miss Murray's blog.