All posts by Mrs Maher

Children In Need :)

Children in Need will take place tomorrow, Friday 13th of November. Children can come to school wearing yellow, spots or anything Pudsey related! Everyone will enjoy some fun activities in the class and learn about the work Children In Need do to help others.

Boys and girls do not need to bring any money, instead a small donation will be made from the school on their behalf.

See you tomorrow! πŸ™‚

Remembrance Day Writing, Art & Yoga

What a wonderful Wednesday it has been in Primary 4! πŸ˜ƒ

This morning Primary 4 included a variety of VCOP in their Remembrance Day writing. Whilst we were completing this, we took part in our 2 minutes silence to remember the soldiers and lost lives of those who fought in wars to keep our country safe. ❀️ πŸ’­

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After break, we created some awesome art. We began by developing our drawing skills using pencils to sketch out the lines and shapes of poppies. Soon after, we practised our painting skills then used shades of colour to create a natural effect. Tomorrow we will complete the background once the paint is dry, use pen for effect and finally display on our classroom windows. 🎨 πŸ–Œ

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This afternoon Primary 4 had a relaxing time during Yoga. Everyone enjoyed our session following the story line of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

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Reminder: Please name your child’s jumper(s) as there are a few that keep appearing on the carpets and no one is claiming it’s theirs. Thank you.

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Mrs Maher 🍎

Remembrance Day

This afternoon, we learned about Remembrance Day. We were able to talk about why it is an important Memorial Day every year and the significance of the two minutes silence. ❀️

Everyone learned about the end of First World War, how the Royal British Legion help today and then listened to readings of the poem β€˜in Flanders Fields.’ ❀️

Reminder: tomorrow is our Indoor P.E and you may come to school wearing your joggers/leggings with your polo shirt. Please bring a full water bottle. πŸ‘πŸΌ

Outdoor P.E. & Homework πŸ˜ƒ

Today in Primary 4, we enjoyed taking part in golf during Outdoor P.E. This week, we had three small courses set up where we had fun demonstrating the skills that we have learned and also made good use of our outdoor space to improve our aim. ⛳️ πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ

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This afternoon, we presented our Fireworks Safety posters to the class that was sent in for homework and voted for our winners. Well done to everyone who took part in the competition. I was delightedly with your hard work! ✏️

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Mrs Maher 🍎

Exploding Art! πŸ’₯

Today we completed our Information leaflets on Fireworks Safety, gave feedback to others on layout and presentation then carried out peer assessment using our Success Criteria. βœ… πŸ˜ƒ

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During Art, we created our exploding fireworks using line, shape and colour for effect. Excellent!! πŸ’₯πŸ’«πŸš€

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Health and Wellbeing πŸ˜€

Today we have worked incredibly hard! In literacy, we have been learning to take notes and took time to plan and organise our β€˜Bonfire Night Safety’ writing. We shared fantastic safety tips with others and shared our presentation ideas for writing. πŸ’₯πŸ”₯πŸ’«πŸš€

This afternoon, we have enjoyed taking part in Yoga. We practised a variety of movement and poses on our mats as we went on an amazing adventure with the story of Alice in Wonderland. πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

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ICT πŸ’»

Today in ICT we have been developing our word processing skills. Some of us have also been using our ICT time productively to improve our reading and maths skills too. Well done everyone!

Reminder: tomorrow is our Indoor P.E time and everyone should bring a full water bottle. You may come into school wearing your joggers/leggings and your polo shirt.

Mrs Maher πŸ™‚

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Today in Primary 4

Today in Primary 4, we have been learning to use Tenses correctly as part of Literacy with Mrs Davidson. Our focus was writing in the present tense.

As part of Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about Safe and Dangerous places to play and we made a comparison of them both. Check out our brilliant work!

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Hallowe’en πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

Today we enjoyed β€˜Dress Up Day’ atΒ school for Hallowe’en and we participated in lots of Hallowe’en themed activities. πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ¦ΈπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈ

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Wonderful Writing ✏️

Today, Primary 4 produced a wonderful information leaflet on the β€˜History of Halloween.’ We learned about where the name came from, Halloween traditions, Halloween around the world and how it has changed today. We remembered to include core targets and we used our success criteria as a checklist. Our next step is to take part in peer assessment. Well done to our Star Writers! 🌟 ✏️

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