09.06.20 Home Learning🍎

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope that you are all trying hard to play at least 20 minutes of Sumdog. In the contest, Primary 3 are in 55th position and we are in 78th position. Keep trying hard everyone! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸΌ


✏️ Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 9th June 2020


Literacy: Handwriting  ✏️ 

Warm up

  • I can practise my small letters: same height and size (or)

In your jotter, write your date, title and ‘I can’ neatly. Copy your join ‘or’ and the sentence from above. Take care to hook the letter o to r by using the horizontal join. When you bring your pencil down, up and round for β€˜r’ this hook will help you to join the letter to other letters. (horse, snore, force)

FOCUS – A. Copy this pattern into your book. B. Copy the joined letters ‘or’ for one line in your jotter, ‘aw’ for a second line in your jotter and ‘au’ for a third line in your jotter. These small letters should all be the same height and size, half way up on the line.


Main Activity ✏️ 

  • I can trace and write pattern, letters and words accurately
  • I can copy and complete sentences in my neatest handwriting

EXTRA – Copy these words into your jotter. Take care when joining ore, orc, awl and awe.

EXTENSION – Copy the sentences into your jotter using your neatest handwriting. Include the missing words in your sentences.

Remember to include your capital letters, clear finger spaces and full stops at the end of your sentences.

Read and check over your work. πŸ”


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! πŸ“š


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

When you search for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it then read the first page. If there are too many tricky words, it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect read!


Maths: Adddition πŸ”’

Warm up task:Β  Number Bonds

Practise your addition number bonds on Hit the Button:


🌢Up to 10 – Try missing numbers

🌢🌢Up to 20 – Try U+U+U for adding several numbers

🌢🌢🌢Up to 100 – Try making 100


Main Activity: Adding several numbers πŸ”’

  • I can group helpful numbers
  • I can count on accurately

Read each question carefully.Β  Record your number sentence in your jotter. Group the most helpful numbers together first to make your adding easier. Remember to record p because you are finding the cost in pence.

Find the total cost of each set of stamps. For example:

1.a.Β  22p + 8p + 3p + 7p + 9p = 49p

You should group the helpful numbers together first, starting with the largest number.

You can also use your 100-square to help you count on. πŸ‘πŸΌ

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. πŸ”


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Contest πŸ†Β 

Take part inΒ at least 20 minutes of Maths games today for the NLC contest. Let’s see if we can get higher than 78th position. πŸ˜ƒ

I will reward you with 50/ 100/ 200 coins for your daily activity. 🌟



Have a lovely day everyone! 😎

Mrs Maher 🍎


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