8.06.20 Home Learning ⭐️

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. ☀️ This week I will be spending some time back in school. It will be strange without you all there to make me smile but I am feeling positive as it is a step closer to seeing you all again soon.😃

Here are today’s lessons:


Monday 8th June 2020


Literacy: Spelling ✏ 

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:


LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.


Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell ‘ar and are’ words.

Task – Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write out your words from the key word box using look, say, cover, write, check with a finger space between each word.

A) Look at the pictures. Write the correct ar or are words in your jotter.

B) Look at the key words. Copy four with the art pattern neatly into your jotter.

C) Write a sentence that includes two key words in it.


Main Activity

  • I can sort the key words into sound pattern families
  • I can include my ar and are words in sentences
  • I can choose the correct ending for my root word

Task: Extra – A. Draw two columns in your jotter – one with the heading ‘words with ar sounding like car‘ and the other with the heading ‘words with are sounding like care.’

Sort the key words into sound families, like shown in the text, then record them under the correct column,

Write one sentence using an ‘ar‘ word and another sentence using an ‘are’ word.

Extension – Put one ending on each word from the root word box, without changing any spellings. Think carefully! for example:

  1.  care  + fully = carefully

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

WELL DONE to last week’s EPIC READERS! ⭐️ 📚 

I keep an eye on the app and will announce this week’s remarkable readers on Friday. Keep up the good work!😀


Maths: Place Value

  • I can decide whether to round up or down to the nearest 10 by looking at the units digit.

Warm up task: Rocket Rounding🚀

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Rocket Rounding games to the Nearest 10. 🌟


🌶Up to 99 to Nearest 10.

🌶🌶Up to 999 to Nearest 10.

🌶🌶🌶Up to 9, 999 to Nearest 10.


Main Activity: Rounding

  • I can decide whether to round up or down to the nearest 10 by looking at the units digit.
  • I can use my rounding rules accurately.

Q1-9. Complete each rounding by using your rule: 5 or more in the units, round up or 4 or less in the units then round down to the nearest 10. for example:

  1.  142 -> 140 (4 or less in the units so I round down to 40)

Q10-18. Round each weight to the nearest 10g. Remember to record g to show the weight in grams. for example:

7.  134g -> 130g (rounds down)

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦



Play at least 20 minutes of your Sumdog today. The NLC Maths contest is only on until this Thursday!

Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs Maher 🍎

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