School is out for Summer! β˜€οΈ πŸ˜ƒ

Well, I can’t believe the last day of Primary 4 is here!

Everyone has enjoyed the Big Clean,Β looking after our classroom and school environment. Our Countdown to Summer with a balloon burst on Teams everyday has been exciting too!

This week we have loved our treats: An outdoor disco, water fight with pistols, a slushie drink to enjoy and a delicious ice-cream from the van today which was delicious! 🍦 πŸ’§ πŸ’ƒπŸΌ


It’s been an extremely tough year for all but I am so proud of each and every one of you, you have come so far this year and it’s been a privilege to teach you all. Everyone has coped and adapted to the Covid changes we have faced and above all, enjoyed your learning despite how different and challenging the year has been.

Boys and girls, School is out for SUMMER! β˜€οΈ πŸ˜ƒ

I hope that you all have a fantastic Summer; relax, stay safe with your families and have the best time together.

See you all when you return in August!

Mrs Maher 🍎

This week in Primary 4 ✏️ πŸ˜ƒ

This week has been an exciting week in Primary 4 with all kinds going on to keep us entertained. From today, and every day until the end of next week, we are on the Countdown to Summer. Today’s whole school treat was to β€˜Soak the Teacher’ and boy, did Primary 4 do a great job with those sponges!

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On Monday, we enjoyed watching the Euros, cheering on Scotland and taking part in art activities to decorate the class and posters to cheer on our team. Throughout the week, Euros has been our mini topic, focusing on countries and continents and today, everyone thought their Euros festival lunch was delicious!

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In Maths, we have been working hard completing our fractions topic, maths assessments and have been revising the four operations to keep mental maths fresh in our heads. In Health and Wellbeing, we have identified ways to look after our bodies, things that we do to keep clean and germ free and also the importance of online safety.

In Literacy, we have been developing our report writing skills, using the movie clip of Charlie finding Wonka’s last golden ticket as our writing stimulus as well as our Big Reading book. We are at the edit and publishing stages of our newspaper articles and they are looking fantastic. I can definitely see some of us being keen journalists in the future!

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This week, In P.E we have put our ball skills to good use: travelling with the ball, using a variety of passes to our teammates – most importantly looking for a team mate who is in a good space and choosing the best pass to use. Our next step in competitive games is to mark a partner and steal the ball.

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To end the busy week, everyone enjoyed the Cinema afternoon on Thursday and the Cool Class Cup treat of Nerf Wars this afternoon. Huge Thank you to Miss Ferguson, Mr Green & Mrs Thomson for the treats they have provided us with and the great fun. It’s been brilliant!

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Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you on Monday and remember – its non-uniform week! πŸ‘πŸΌ

Mrs Maher 🍎




Picnic in the Park πŸŒ²πŸ˜ƒ

As part of our end of term treat, Primary 4 enjoyed a lovely walk to the Marmion Park and had brilliant fun playing there. Thanks to Mrs McLaughlin and Mrs Dickson for helping and to Miss Ferguson too. 🌲 πŸ˜ƒ ⛅️ β˜€οΈ

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