This week in Primary 4 😁

This week, maths groups have developed their knowledge and understanding of the 10, 5 and 6 times tables. Everyone has created partner flashcards to test each other on what they know. Many of us have extended our learning to formal multiplication where we have applied our knowledge from addition to complete 3 and 4 digit multiplication sums. Let’s continue to practise everyday to keep this fresh in our minds!

I have been super impressed with the improved reading this week; listening for accuracy, fluency and expression. We are enjoying learning new tricky words and giving our partner a next step. Amazingly, many dojos have gone out to boys and girls for improvements in joined handwriting, accurate spelling and great grammar work. Keep up the good work boys and girls!

Everyone has enjoyed identifying and sorting living and non-living things into groups in Science – living and growing. We are looking forward to some interesting experiments to find out what plants need in order to grow and develop. With Mrs Davidson, we have been learning about similarities and differences in living things as well as stereotypes.

Primary 4 are making good use of the outdoor space to develop their ball skills – travelling with the ball and now practising their passes to a partner. We think Basketball is BRILLIANT!

Well done to this week’s Star Pupil RA!


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