Thriving Thursday πŸ˜ƒ

Primary 4 have been practising their multiplication strategies today for the 2 and 4 times tables – making links to division. I have been amazed to see such wonderful work and testing our partners in their knowledge.

Keep practising hard boys and girls! 😁

In Literacy, we have been tackling more tricky words in our reading and developing our comprehension strategies. This week, it’s been lovely to see everyone trying so hard to improve jotter layout and presentation too. Wow! 🀩

Our Easter line drawing are coming along nicely and we are almost ready to go into the background and then add our modern twist. 🐰

Today in Primary 4 ✏️

Primary 4 have been working hard on Multiplication, demonstrating counting forwards and backwards in 2’s and 4’s. We are using strategies to help us work out multiplication facts such as repeated addition. Some of us identified links to our previous learning of money where we used 2p coins to show our able facts. πŸ˜ƒ

Everyone agreed it has been great fun taking time out of jotter work to play our times tables games – helping us improve our accuracy. Don’t forget to practise at home tonight! πŸ‘πŸΌ

This afternoon, we shared our highs and lows of lockdown and made a comparison to how it was different from the first. We are using good self-management to produce high quality memory jars.

Mrs Maher 🍎

Health and Wellbeing πŸ˜ƒ

Happy Monday everyone! πŸ˜ƒ

Today Primary 4 added more detail to our Trees of life with Mrs Davidson and they are looking wonderful. 🌳

This afternoon, we enjoyed outdoor PE, practising our ball skills: dribbling, defending and trying to keep moving with increasing pace. ⚽️


Our PE days will continue to be Monday and Thursday outside so please make sure you have your outdoor jacket and full water bottle – the weather might not be as nice this week.  Currently, we are not in the gym hall taking part in Yoga due to COVID restrictions.

Our Maths focus for the rest of the term is Multiplication and Division. To help improve our mental recall, please practise your 2, 5 and 10 tables at home as much as you can. Why not give it go: in the bath, on the way to and from school, in the car etc. – every practise helps us to improve. If you feel confident with this please go on to 4 (double the 2 times table) then the 3 times table.

These resources will help too:

Red Nose Day 2021

Today Primary 4 had fantastic fun taking part in RED NOSE DAY 2021. We focused on Article 6, 23, 29 and 32 of the UNCRC and linked this to today’s Comic Relief activities.

Many of us shared or own thoughts and opinions in how Comic Relief donations help to improve the lives of others and the great support it gives to many families.

Here are some of our highlights…

Have a lovely weekend everyone! πŸ™‚



Easter Art

On Thursday afternoon, we enjoyed learning more about our topic Easter. 🌸  We focused on asking and answering questions – linked to communication skills, created line drawings – linked to self management skills and gave constructive feedback to others.

Check out our wonderful work! πŸ˜ƒ


Lovely Literacy πŸ“š

Today in Literacy, Primary 4 enjoyed getting our new reading books then explored the text and characters in each story. It was also lovely to see lots good handwriting and spelling in class today. We even earned dojo’s for trying hard with layout, presentation and taking care with joined up writing. I was super impressed! ✏️ πŸ˜ƒ

Amazingly, the sun came out in the afternoon and we got to enjoy our daily mile in the sunshine. β˜€οΈ



Welcome Back to P4 :)

Today has been a very exciting day for us all and it’s been wonderful to have the children back in class! I have missed your smiles and stories so much.

Our focus for Health and Wellbeing today was Resilience – creating our Trees of life that show our skills and values as well as our hopes and dreams for the future. We also designed our Spring bookmarks ready for our new reading books this week.

Reminder: Full water bottles everyday please as we cannot use the water fountain due to COVID-19 restrictions.

See you tomorrow, boys and girls! πŸ™‚