School Nativity 🎄🌟🎅🏼🔔

Today we thoroughly enjoyed watching our School Nativity. While, this year has not been our usual type of nativity show, the children took part in rehearsals, practised their action and mime and recorded a fantastic British Sign Language performance on the day of filming. Excellent effort boys and girls! 🌟

Today we even got to enjoy a chocolate lollipop, thanks, Miss Ferguson! 😍

Reminder: School closes early at 2:20pm for the Christmas Break. 🎄

School will open on Wednesday 6th of January for a small number of pupils. Online learning for all pupils will commence from Monday 11th of January. 💻

Please continue to check the school blog and the school app for all up-to-date details. 👍🏼

Have a very Merry Christmas and please stay safe everyone! 🎅🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎



Today we enjoyed a fun day of festive activities, watched the  ‘Aladdin’ Pantomime and took part in our Christmas quiz. OH YES WE DID!! 🎭🎟😀 We even got a tasty ice cream to eat while we watched. It was delicious! 🍦

Festive Fun Friday! 🎄🥳🎅🏼

This morning we practised our BSL song ‘Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ for our nativity then filmed it with Mr Green. Can you believe we only needed two take? Boys and girls, you were tremendous! 😀

Later on, we designed and created our 3D Christmas cards for someone special and added some sparkle. 🎄

In the afternoon we had a different sort of party day with socially distant games with prizes, tasty treats then a virtual elf visit. 🧁

The elf knew all about Woodlands and how well we have been working which was a great surprise! We even got a surprise gift to take home too. Despite the restrictions, we still made it as fun as possible while staying safe. 😀

Have a relaxing weekend and I will see you on Monday and Tuesday for our last days of term in 2020. 🎄

REMINDER: You can wear your own clothes and there are some lovely activities lined up for you. 🎅🏼



Outdoor Learning ⛅️

Today we managed to miss the rain and got to enjoy some outdoor time for Daily Mile. We are trying to improve our physical fitness by walking/jogging/sprinting faster and doing more laps. During this time, children are encouraged to take part in races or fitness games. In addition to this, we practised our song actions then gave Mr Green a sneak peek into how good our BSL actions look.

REMINDER: P4 Christmas Party is on FRIDAY!

P4 Christmas Party will take place on Friday 18th December, This will be a Christmas Fun Day.

  • Children can come to school on that day dressed in their party clothes.
  • Children do not need to bring anything as party snacks will be provided by the school.

Reindeer Dash 🦌😀🎄

Today has been a fabulous day of festive fun! 🎄😍 🦌

Everyone came to school wearing their Christmas jumpers and thoroughly enjoyed a delicious lunch. Thank you very much to the kitchen ladies for our tasty turkey and pudding. 👍🏼

This afternoon, Primary 4 took part in their Reindeer Dash to raise money for CHAS. Our antlers even managed to stay on after a little rain. We finished the day off by writing some creative Christmas acrostic poems. Fantastic boys and girls! 😀


Today in Primary 4 📚😁🎨

Tomorrow it’s Christmas jumper Day as well as having our Christmas lunch! 🎅

Today, we were developing our comprehension strategies and using look, say, cover, write and check to accurately spell our Christmas vocabulary.

In Maths, we practised our mental strategies of addition and subtraction in doubles and near doubles.

This afternoon, we painted our headbands for the Reindeer Dash tomorrow. 🦌

See you tomorrow for some Festive Fun! 🎄 🦃 🎅

Mrs Maher 🍎

Football ⚽️ & Christmas Around the World 🎄

Yesterday, Primary 4 loved another week of outdoor P.E developing our balls skills playing football. We practised our drills, passing and receiving the ball to our partner then set up our gates to practise movement with dribbling.  Fabulous Football! ⚽️

As part of our topic this afternoon, learning about Christmas around the world, we discussed our own Christmas traditions and focused on how Christmas is celebrated in other countries. Our next step is to research a country of our choice and make comparisons. Well done boys and girls! 🎄



It’s Thursday and we have Snow! ❄️

Well, today has been interesting and exciting! We have woken up to the sight of bright white snow on the ground! ❄️😮

All of the boys and girls have enjoyed a fun-filled day of Big Writing, using the snow as a stimulus for writing. Our ‘It’s a Snow Day!’ stories include: setting, characters and plot and we have planning for VCOP.

Happy Thursday from Primary 4! ☃️😁

Wonderful Wednesday! 😀🎄

Wednesday has been a day of Wonderful Work!

This morning we practised our sign language song, ‘It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ which was lovely to cheer us up and start the day off well.🎄 I cant’t believe how amazing it’s coming together boys and girls! 😁

During Maths, we took part in Mental challenges and completed our addition sequences by adding on 2,3,4 and 5’s. Some of us took part in Power Maths using our addition strategies to add 4 digit numbers and solve problems. 💭

Today in Literacy, we have been focusing on types of sentences such statements, questions and exclamation, using the correct punctuation. ⁉️

This afternoon, everyone enjoyed learning about advent then we decorated our class Christmas tree. (Please note all items/products were purchased new and hand sanitising took place before and after touching any objects) Our topic is Christmas around the world so our next step is to look at other countries and explore holiday traditions. 🎄🎅🏼