Marvellous Monday! 😁

Primary 4 have been super busy today! ✏️

This morning, we learned about road safety with Mrs Davidson and we created a great poster to persuade others to β€˜Slow down in town’ and that β€˜20’s plenty.’ πŸš™ ❗️

In our Maths groups, we have been learning to focus on the Tens digit and Round to the Nearest 10/100 using a number line to help us and our rounding rule. >5 round up or <4 round down πŸ‘πŸΌ

Thankfully, we made it out for outdoor PE in between the rain this afternoon. We had 3 mini stations courses of 3 set up and everyone practised their golf skills. Well done to Brian and Connor who got a β€˜hole in one’ today! ⛳️

This week’s homework is on Teams and new Active Learn Bug Club books have been assigned. πŸ“š

Mrs Maher 🍎

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