Health and Wellbeing 😁

So far this week, in Primary 4, we have been very busy and working hard in class. We have been learning about Road Safety with Mrs Davidson and focusing on how important it is to β€˜Be Bright, Be Seen.’ Β πŸ”¦

During handwriting, we have been learning to carry out peer assessment of our baseline joins and discussed how it has noticeably improved. Well done boys and girls, you’ve been consistently trying hard! ✏️

Today was an exciting day because we took part in our first indoor P.E lesson. Everyone agreed it was fantastic to be back in the gym hall and taking part in Yoga as part of Health and Wellbeing. πŸ’š

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Reminder: Our new gym days are Monday and Wednesday. Outdoor P.E is on a Monday and Indoor P.E is on a Wednesday. Children can come dressed in jogging bottoms or leggings and trainers as well as their polo shirt and jumper on top. It is also important to have a filled water bottle on these days too. 😁

Well done to everyone who is sending in homework on Teams. I am thoroughly enjoying reading what you send in and seeing your wonderful work.

Mrs Maher 🍎

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