Wonderful Wednesday! 😃

Today we have been enjoying using Bug Club Interactive on the Smartboard. We have been working hard in our reading groups to develop our skills showing: accuracy, fluency and expression as well as developing our comprehension skills. 📚

This afternoon, we all took part in the Daily Mile to increase our daily physical exercise and then mindfulness to look after our mental well-being. It’s great to get outdoors! ☀️ 

As part of Developing Our Young Workforce Week we have been learning about the emergency services. Today’s focus was the role of the police, the powers that they have to protect us, what jobs they do and the equipment they use. We watched some very interesting videos and took part in a fun quiz. 👮‍♀️ 

Well done to the children who handed in their homework on Teams today! ✏️ 

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2 thoughts on “Wonderful Wednesday! 😃”

  1. Hi Mrs Maher,

    Zac has been doing his 20mins on Sumdog and Active Learn, but I am not sure if he should be writing out the answers to the questions I ask him about the books and submitting to Teams. Can you please clarify?

    Claire Wylie

    1. Hi Claire, I have mentioned to the children they do not need to write out book titles etc. as all reading activity and task progress is logged electronically. I have shown them how to read and complete the book, take part in the quizzes/ short comprehension tasks and then feedback from me at the end. This should be available for Zac and yourself to view. Let me know if that helps, Mrs Maher 🙂

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