Today we enjoyed โDress Up Dayโ at school for Halloweโen and we participated in lots of Halloweโen themed activities.
Monthly Archives: October 2020
Wonderful Writing 
Today, Primary 4 produced a wonderful information leaflet on the โHistory of Halloween.โ We learned about where the name came from, Halloween traditions, Halloween around the world and how it has changed today. We remembered to include core targets and we used our success criteria as a checklist. Our next step is to take part in peer assessment. Well done to our Star Writers!
Halloween Yoga

This afternoon, Primary 4 enjoyed Halloween yoga and mindfulness as part of Health and a Wellbeing . We took part in a series of movements and poses to stretch our muscles during our warm-up, story adventure and relaxation. It was SPOOK-TACULA!
Reminder: Halloween Lunch and โDress Up Dayโ is on Friday. The cost of lunch is ยฃ3 and funds should be added on to your lunch card. Please check the main blog for more information.
Mrs Maher
Marvellous Maths 
Today we have been learning to Compare Numbers as part of Place Value. We have been focusing on comparing 2/3/4 digit numbers using symbols to show Greater Than / Less Than. Our next Step is Rounding!
Reminder: Our Indoor P.E time is tomorrow afternoon so you may come to school wearing joggers/leggings with your polo shirt. Please remember to bring a full water bottle to school with you.
Mrs Maher
Outdoor P.E 
Today we had great fun outdoors developing our skills of concentration, honesty and perseverance when playing Golf.
Today we focused on:
- Understanding where and how to stand safely when playing Golf.
- Controlling the direction of the ball using both a putter and a chipper.
- Identifying how we were honest in todayโs lesson and using feedback to inform our next steps.
Reminder: Wednesday is our Indoor P.E time and you may wear joggers/ leggings with your polo shirt. Please remember to bring a full water bottle.
Star Writer 
Well done to this weekโs Star Writers who have worked hard to improve their writing using their success criteria. We redrafted our Emergency Services facts using our neatest handwriting and included good core targets too.
Congratulations to this weekโs Star Pupil, JL and this weekโs Sumdog #Topdog, ZMcM.
Reminder: Outdoor gym on Monday ~ all pupils must bring a full water bottle and outdoor jacket.
Please see the main blog for Halloween related information.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Maher
Health and Wellbeing 
So far this week, in Primary 4, we have been very busy and working hard in class. We have been learning about Road Safety with Mrs Davidson and focusing on how important it is to โBe Bright, Be Seen.โ
During handwriting, we have been learning to carry out peer assessment of our baseline joins and discussed how it has noticeably improved. Well done boys and girls, youโve been consistently trying hard!
Today was an exciting day because we took part in our first indoor P.E lesson. Everyone agreed it was fantastic to be back in the gym hall and taking part in Yoga as part of Health and Wellbeing.
Reminder: Our new gym days are Monday and Wednesday. Outdoor P.E is on a Monday and Indoor P.E is on a Wednesday. Children can come dressed in jogging bottoms or leggings and trainers as well as their polo shirt and jumper on top. It is also important to have a filled water bottle on these days too.
Well done to everyone who is sending in homework on Teams. I am thoroughly enjoying reading what you send in and seeing your wonderful work.
Mrs Maher
Autumn Art 
Today we enjoyed using the technique of pointillism to create some eye catching Autumn art work. We practised mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and different shades, and used small dots of colour to form pictures of leaves.
Well done this weekโs Star Pupil, AT and those who won class dojo winner of the week.
Have a fantastic October break everyone and I will see you back on Monday 19th October, fresh eyed and bushy tailed.
Mrs Maher
Emergency Services 
Primary 4 have been enjoying their topic Emergency Services as part of our Developing The Young Workforce week. Today our focus was to learn about the roles of paramedics, mountain rescue and the air ambulance. Tomorrow our focus is on Fire Safety.
Wonderful Wednesday! 
Today we have been enjoying using Bug Club Interactive on the Smartboard. We have been working hard in our reading groups to develop our skills showing: accuracy, fluency and expression as well as developing our comprehension skills.
This afternoon, we all took part in the Daily Mile to increase our daily physical exercise and then mindfulness to look after our mental well-being. Itโs great to get outdoors!
As part of Developing Our Young Workforce Week we have been learning about the emergency services. Todayโs focus was the role of the police, the powers that they have to protect us, what jobs they do and the equipment they use. We watched some very interesting videos and took part in a fun quiz.
Well done to the children who handed in their homework on Teams today!