Today Primary 4 had fantastic fun during outdoor PE. We focused on following the rules of the games and identified three ways we know we are improving our physical fitness: fast heart beating, increased breathing and our bodies are starting to sweat. We can’t wait for out next outdoor PE session on Thursday!
Today in Primary 4, we enjoyed being outdoors for the Daily Mile. It’s a great opportunity for us to improve our fitness and improve our emotional and mental health. Some of us enjoy the walking club and some of us enjoy sprinting.
In Maths, we have been learning about the value of a digital in each column. Our new favourite game is ‘The Greatest Game Ever’ where we have to think carefully and place the digit in the best position. Why not try it out at home:
Monday is our outdoor PE day for the moment. There is no need to provide any extra clothing for PE – all children should come to school wearing a jacket to keep them warm outside. However, your child should bring a full water bottle in case they are thirsty. We are unable to send children to the water fountain for refills due to Covid-19.
Today in Primary 4, we learned how to take part in a partner spelling task. We have been practising using our strategy: look, say, cover, write and check to help us order the letters in words correctly. We also had fun revising odd 2/3/4 digit odd and even numbers.
Today in Primary 4, we practised our jotter layout and presentation during Literacy. We are trying hard to take time and care to setup our new jotters and follow the layout. We have super spellers in the class, who identified phonemes and created their own mnemonic poem. Well done!
Primary 4 have been focusing on emotions when discussing life in lockdown as part of health and well-being. We talked how we felt ‘Behind the Mask’ and created one for ourselves. Well done!
Today has been a busy day in Primary 4. We have been revising numbers to 100 and learning to extend this to 1000. We discussed why Place Value columns are important as these tell us the value of the digit. It was great fun making numbers on the smart board.
Our handwriting is beginning to improve this week. We even earned Class Dojos!! We are taking time and care to focus on pencil control and letter formation. Well done boys and girls!
Today, as part of Health and Wellbeing, we learned to use a breathing and relaxation technique activity called the ‘High 5 breathing.’ Some of us visited Mrs McMillan last year and we remember her. ‘High 5’ breathing helps us to relax when we feel a range of emotions: angry, frustrated, anxious, stressed and upset etc. It’s great for everyone – adults too!
Why not try it out at home!
This afternoon, we got to know our classmates more in a game of ‘Find Someone Who…’ We understand that everyone in our class has their own talents and abilities and is unique in their own way.
What a great start it has been today for Primary 4…
First, we got to meet our new teacher – Mrs Maher and ask her lots of questions. Then, we were introduced to our new Numeracy topic, Place Value and revise our number bonds. It was great fun revising our skills on the smartboard. Why not play at home: