10.06.20 Home Learning๐Ÿ“š

Good morning Primary 4,

Yesterday I went into school to finish tidying our classroom. I was surprised by how much stuff I have! The classroom is empty and my house is now very full. ๐Ÿ˜‚

I hope you all managed to stay positive yesterday. What kinds of things did you do to stay positive? I listened to music, went out a walk with Stephen on his scooter, spoke with friends and smiled as much as possible. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ย 

โœ๏ธ Here are todayโ€™s lessons:


Wednesday 10th June 2020

Literacy: Comprehension ๐Ÿ“šย 


Warm up Task: Spelling โœ๏ธย 

  • I can read, write and spell my words accurately.

Spelling Words: would, can’t, play, take, thought, well, find, more, round, tree, I’ll and magic.

Task: Write the date and title in your jotter. Practise your spelling words. You can choose an activity from your grid.

This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, words in silly sentences, blue vowels and red consonants (or other colours), capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter.

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Check over the order of your letters! ๐Ÿ”


Main Activity – Comprehension ๐Ÿ“šย 

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.

Read the text, ‘All About Honeybees.’ Think about the text you have read, the information it tells you and answer the questions in a full sentence.

๐Ÿ I have given you the quanswer (key words from the question to help you start your answer).

  1. The difference between a bumblebee and a honeybee is that ______.
  2. Honeybees would not live in ______ because _______.
  3. Honeybees can live in ______.
  4. ______ honeybees can fit into a hive.
  5. Honeybees eat ______.
  6. The predator of a honeybee is ________.
  7. One fact I have learned about honeybees is ________.

Read and check over your work. ๐Ÿ”


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! ๐Ÿ“š


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

This weekโ€™s EPIC READER certificate will be given out on Friday to our remarkable readers. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Maths: Subtraction โœ๏ธย 

Warm up task:ย  Doubles

Practise your skill of doubling on Hit the Button:


Try out different levels on the Number range or try Multiplesย of 10/ 5/ 50.


Main Activity – Subtracting 3-digit numbers by 3-digit numberโœ๏ธย 

  • I can count back accurately
  • I can demonstrate how to exchange

Read each sum carefully. Record each sum in your jotter, taking care to stack your digits neatly underneath each other. This will help you to clearly see your HTU columns. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Remember when you are subtracting two digits and you ‘don’t have enough’ or ‘can’t do it’ you then need to exchange. We practised this by going to the left column, subtracting 1 (1 set of ten) and then exchanging this over to the column that needs it and marking a 1 beside that digit. Then you have enough to do the subtraction. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Watch the videos if you would like a reminder of how to exchange:ย  (We call the Ones column, the Units)


If you can manage this mentally then that is brilliant. You can also use your fingers or number line to help you.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. ๐Ÿšฆ


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity โญ๏ธย 

Take part inย at least 20 minutes of Maths games today.

The NLC Contest finishes tomorrow and we are currently 128th. Let’s try and beat our score of 110th this time. Keep trying hard! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

I will reward you with 50/ 100/ 200 coins for your daily activity. ๐ŸŒŸ


Reminder: Shonagh from Blair Drummond Safari Park is live tomorrow at 12 on Facebook to take you to the habitat of the EMPEROR TAMARIN MONKEYS. ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿต

You’ll have the chance to meet their cute monkeys, Shonagh will show you what makes them so special and you can take part in the live Q&A. ๐Ÿ˜

Have a wonderful Wednesday! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Mrs Maher ๐ŸŽ

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