Good morning everyone,
I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday, it was just delightful.
Today is a special day because NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and SpaceX will launch an American rocket to the International Space Station. It will be shown live on the link above and many other websites online.
Nasa will launch their ‘Falcon 9’ rocket with two astronauts inside the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, for the first time since 2011 at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. It is the first private spacecraft that can carry a crew into low-Earth orbit. Lift off is 9:33pm
Why not check out NASA’S Kids Club!
Here are today’s lessons:
Wednesday 27th May
Literacy: Comprehension
Warm up Task: Spelling
- I can read, write and spell my words accurately.
Spelling Words: took, school, think, home, who, didn’t, ran, know, again and bear.
Task: Write the date, title and I can neatly into your jotter. Practise your spelling words. You can choose an activity from your grid.
This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, words in silly sentences, blue vowels and red consonants (or other colours), capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter.
Check over the order of your letters!
Main Activity – Comprehension
- I can skim and scan the text.
- I can answer in a full sentence.
Read the text, ‘Moles.’ Think about the text you have read, the information it tells you and answer sections A, B and C as best as you can.
I have given you the quanswer (key words from the question to begin your answer) to help you.
A. 1. Moles eat __________.
2. It is quite unusual to see a mole because ________.
3. If a mole had long, thick hair on its body it would ________.
4. Moles have such large front feet to ________.
5. I think that moles have their ears hidden under their fur because ________.
B.1. Moles spend most of their lives beneath the surface because ________.
2.a. Moles use _____ on their bodies to discover what is in front of them.
2.b. Moles use _____ on their bodies to discover what is above them.
3.a. The oppositie of clean is _____.
3.b. A word that means the same as tunnel is _____.
C. Draw a picture of a mole and label it carefully using spider legs (straight lines).
Read and check over your work.
Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from!
Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar
When you search for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to open and read the first page. If there are too many tricky words, it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect read.
Maths: Multiplication
So far, we have covered the 2, 10, 5, 3 and 4 times tables. Yesterday we practised all of these and today we extend our learning to 2-digit multiplication. (x 40, 20, 30, 50, 10 etc.)
- I can build up my times tables
- I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s)
Warm up task: 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Practise counting out loud in sets of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s for your times tables. You could shout it out in: a loud voice, a quiet whispering voice, a squeaky voice, a robot voice or a funny voice.
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24.
0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 25, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.
0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120.
Or you can practise your times tables on Super Movers:
Main Activity – Multiples of 10 by: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.
- I can recall my times tables facts
- I can use my multiplication rule accurately
Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence. Look out for number clues in the text!
Remember: we can use a variety of vocabulary for multiplication: twice (x2), double (x2), sets of, groups of, multiplied by ? and multiply ? by ?
When we are working with multiples of 10, we use our rule of ‘adding 0’ to our answers once we have worked out the basic multiplication. For example:
1a. 2 x 40 = 80
(work out 2 x 4 then add 0)
2a. 2 x 30 = 60
(work out 2 x 3 then add 0)
3a. 3 x 40 = 120
(work 3 x 4 then add 0)
4a. 2 x 20 = 40
(work out 2 x 2 then add 0)
If you can manage this mentally then that is brilliant. You can use also use your number tracks or 100-square to help you.
Check over your answers and traffic-light your work.
Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity
Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today.
I will reward you with 50/ 100/ 200 coins for your daily activity.
Well done to: Hollie, Nathan, Callum and Isla for improving your skills this week.
Reminder: Shonagh from Blair Drummond Safari Park is live tomorrow at 12 on Facebook to take you to the habitat of the RHINOS.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Mrs Maher
When I went to NASA I saw the launch
Pad where Apollo 11 blasted off from to go to the moon, I also saw one of the space shuttle’s and a rocket like the one which took men to the moon I thought it was amazing because I love things about space and rockets .
That’s wonderful Isla, I bet that was an amazing experience. What did you enjoy seeing the most? I love all things about space too. Isn’t it incredibly interesting!