Good morning everyone,
I can’t believe we are half way through another week already. I hope that you are all doing well. How are you feeling today? Are you feeling stressed? Overwhelmed?
Why not ‘Take a Moment’ with Mrs McMillan to relax. This is a progressive muscle relaxation video and a perfect way to relax your mind and body during ‘Mental Health Awareness Week.’ It’s really good for bedtime too.
Here are today’s lessons:
Wednesday 20th May
Literacy: Comprehension
Warm up Task: Spelling
- I can read, write and spell my topic words accurately.
Neatly in your jotter, write the date, title and I can.
Task: Practise your health and well-being spelling words in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!
Key Words: brain, relax, kindness, caring, emotions, friendly, happy, respect.
Main Activity – Comprehension
- I can skim and scan the text.
- I can write in a full sentence.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, I would like you to read the text, ‘Looking after yourself.’ Think about the text you have read, what it tells you and you can use the word bank to help if you need it.
Copy and complete the sentences below in your jotter.
- When I look after my body, I feel content and ______.
- There are lots of things I can do to _____ how I feel.
- Spending time with the people I ______ makes me feel good.
- We could play a ______, do an activity that we both enjoy or just ______ to each other.
- Exercise is very important for my body and ______.
- I can relax my mind by listening to music, colouring, taking a few deep ______ or spending time in nature.
- It is important to get enough ______ so that my body will ______.
- Showing ______ to others make me feel good.
Word bank: game, kindness, rest, talk, breaths, happy, sleep, love, mind, improve.
Read and check over your work.
Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from!
Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar
If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you.
PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties.
Maths: Multiplication
- I can build up the 4 times table
- I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 4’s)
Warm up task: 4x Table Song
Let Cyril the Swan get you moving and learning the 4 times table with this fun song and movement routine.
Main Activity: 4 Times Table
- I can count on and back in 4’s accurately.
- I can recall my times tables facts for 4
Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence.
Look for a number clue in the text. Count on in sets of 4’s to find the answer. for example:
1a. 4 x £7 =£28
2a. 4 x £8 =£32
3a. 4 x [6] = 24
You can even use your 100-square to help you count on.
Check over your answers and traffic-light your work.
Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity
Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today.
North Lanarkshire Sumdog Contest is on until Thursday!
Well done to: Darius, Callum, Amelia, Sonny, Emily, Nathan, Szymon and Ryan for good accuracy. Keep it up and enjoy your reward!
Have a lovely day everyone!
Mrs Maher