15.05.20 Home learning 🍎

Good morning boys and girls,Β πŸ˜ƒ

Happy Friday! I hope you have all had a great week. Did you all clap for our carers and the NHS last night? Did you all make a loud noise and show your appreciation? ☁ 🌈

πŸ† Our North Lanarkshire Sumdog Contest is now on!πŸ†

Here are today’s lessons…

Friday 15th May

Warm up task: Spelling practise ✏

    • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately.

Task: Take part in 20 minutes of Sumdog Literacy – spelling. Your spelling words are included in your games when you log on and you should play and collect coins along the way.

Well done to Ryan, Emily, Robbie and Sonny for good effort yesterday. πŸ˜ƒ

Main Activity – Adjectives

  • I can identify that an adjective is a describing word
  • I can include adjectives in my sentences.

Write your Date, Title and I can in your jotter neatly. Read the text twice carefully. Do you notice that the first sentence has been improved by adding some adjectives to describe the dragon?

The dragon came out of the cave.

The fearsome, fiery dragon came out of the huge, dark cave.

Practise – Copy the sentences. Choose the most suitable adjectives from the brackets to fill each gap.

Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! πŸ“š


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. πŸ‘πŸΌ

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. πŸ˜€


Maths: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 10 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 10’s)

Warm up task:Β  10x Table Song

Take part in moving and singing along to Webster the spider to remind you of your 10x table.



Main activity:Β  Multiplication

Write out your Title and ten times tables in your jotter neatly. This will help you with today’s task. If you can, recall your 10 times tables facts or count on in sets of 10’s to work out the answer.

You can also use your number square to help you.

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦


Finisher: Sumdog Activity

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today.Β 

πŸ† Our North Lanarkshire school Sumdog Contest is now on!πŸ†

All you have to do is log into Maths games and play but the answer needs to be correct for your score to count. So, read the question carefully!Β 

The North Lanarkshire Contest starts today, running from theΒ 15th – and finishing at 8pm on the 21st May.Β I will keep you up-to-date with the leaderboard. πŸ‘πŸΌ

Well done to those who played along yesterday. I managed to beat my score of 27 on Junkpile to 32 and my score of 1346 on Cannon ball to 1406. Well played everyone! ⭐️

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Have a great weekend everyone and make sure you get outside for some exercise. Β β˜€οΈΒ 

Mrs Maher πŸ˜ƒ

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