Good morning boys and girls,
It is great to see so many of you using Sumdog and Epic Reading. Remember activities for each day can be completed at your own pace and can be changed to suit you or to be made better. Mr Green also posts on the main blog. He puts up an assembly once a week and links to other areas that you may find useful.
Did you make your last clap for the NHS last night a good one? We had a singer and a piper in our street and it was lovely to see while we clapped enthusiastically for the final time. Did you know there is talk of it becoming an annual event?
Here are todayβs lessons:
Friday 29th May 2020
Literacy: Writing
Warm up β Sumdog Spelling
- I can order letters in my spelling words accurately
Take part in at least 20 minutes of your Sumdog Spelling words game dated 28.5.20.
I will give 50/ 100/ 200 points for good accuracy and time played.
Main Actvity β Lockdown Letter
This weekβs writing focus is to write an informal letter about Lockdown. It could be a letter with a message to a friend you might be missing, a grandparent, your teacher or any other family member. You are free to write as much as you like β it can be as short as one small message in a paragraph or as many as three detailed paragraphs. The choice is yours!
Success Criteria
- I can set up my letter with the senderβs address, the date and Dear
- I can write a good opening sentence that states what my letter is about
- I can organise my writing into 1/ 2 or 3 paragraphs
- I can use the past or present tense
- I can include Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation in my writing
- I can add speech in my letter *Bonus Points*
- I can finish my letter with from or Love from and my name
- I can read and check that my writing makes sense
Here is an example of what a good one looks like:
You could perhaps write about:
- What you have been up to during lockdown (paragraph 1),
- Your most and least favourite part (paragraph 2)
- What you are looking forward to in the future (paragraph 3).
Remember to include thoughts and feelings and read over your writing as you go. Check your punctuation and that you have not missed any words out. When you are finished, read over to check your writing makes sense.
Who are the Star Writerβs going to be this week?
Finisher β Reading
Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from!
Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar
When you search for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to open and read the first page. If there are too many tricky words, itβs not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect read.
Look out for next weekβs reading challenge!
Maths: Multiplication
So far we have covered the 2, 10, 5, 3 and 4 times tables. On a Friday we focus on Problem Solving and Enquiry.
Warm up task: 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Practise counting out loud in steps of 2βs, 5βs and 10βs for your times tables. You could shout it out in: a loud voice, a quiet whispering voice, a squeaky voice, a robot voice or a funny voice.
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24.
0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.
0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120.
Or you can practise your times tables on Super Movers:
Main Activity β Problem Solving and Enquiry
- I can calculate a two step problem
- I can guess, check and improve
- I can keep on trying when things get difficult
Todayβs Problem Solving is based on buying βSpacepopsβ where you have to find the cost of each item. However, to solve the problem you have to: work out the cost of one set of lollipops then work out the cost of the second set and add them together to find the total cost. Remember to include your p for pence to show the cost of the items.
Here is an example to help you:
1.a. 5 x 5 = 25p 3 x 7 = 21p (red lollipops)
25 + 21 = 46p
2.a. Problem: I bought 4 red and 1 green lollipop for 46p. How much do each cost. One strategy is to split up your 46p by partitioning Tens and Units β 40 + 6.
To make 40 I could use 4 x 10 = 40p and I could use 2 x 3 = 6p (to make 6)
*You can use your own multiplication sums as long as the total calculates 46p.
When using guess, check and improve strategy it is ok to give it a try and not get the answer first time. Go back and have another go and think about your number facts to make the given number.
3.a. Problem: I spent exactly Β£1. I bought 10 spaceships of one colour and 5 different of another colour. Which two colours of Spacepops did Zonk buy?
For this question, use you jotter and show all of your working. You will have to spend time making calculations for step 1 and 2 and checking possible answers for both steps. You should go through each colour of space pop and multiply by 10 (step 1) and record your answer. Then go through each colour of spacepop again and multiply by 5 (step 2) and record your answer.
Take time to add together one answer from each colour from x10 and x5 until you make 100 for Β£1.
Layout β x 10 (Step 1)
purple: 5 x 10= 50 green: 6 x 10 = 60 red: 7 x 10 = 70 brown: 8 x 10 = 80 yellow: 9 x 10 = 90.
and do the same for the second step β multiplying by 5. Remember your colours must be different.
I will post the answers on Monday for you to check and mark.
Fun Finisher β Sumdog
Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today.
Well done to: Callum, Rebekah, Nathan, Isla, Szymon and Emily for good effort and I hope you enjoy your reward.
I will keep an eye on daily activity and send 50/ 100/ 200 coins for your good effort and accuracy.
Remember to have fun over the weekend and enjoy spending time at home with your family. Take care and stay safe!
Mrs Maher