Well weβve made it to the Easter holidays. Well done for all your hard work.
I hope you have managed to keep up with Joe Wicks this week. We will all be so fit and healthy by the time we get back to school so well done to you all. Keep tuning in everyday at 9am for some fun fitness. Our favourite has been the bunny hops and the Spider-Man, what is yours?
Here are todayβs lessons:
Friday 3rd April
Literacy: Writing
Warm up task: Spelling practise
I can read, write and spelling my common words
Word list: was, with, now, down, look, too, you, he, she, we, me, be (Revise)
Task: Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Practise your spelling words everyday in a different way in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or just write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!
Main Activity β Writing an acrostic poem
Watch the Christian Story of Easter and listen carefully to the facts about the end of Jesusβ life.
Record the words βEASTER SUNDAYβ vertically (downwards) in your jotter using capital letters. Use what you have learned from the video about Easter to create your own words/phrases for your acrostic poem.
for e.g.
Easter celebrates the end of Jesusβ life
All Christians remember the crucifixion on Good Friday
Task: Record your poem vertically in your jotter like this and fill in your spaces with relevant words/phrases. Remember to remove the first letter of the word as itβs given to you in your jotter. You could also draw an illustration at the end to match your poem if you wish.
E___________ S___________
A___________ U___________
S___________ N___________
T___________ D___________
E___________ A___________
R___________ Y___________
Check and read over your poem and spelling.
Music β Listen and join in with the Spring Chicken Easter song that we sing in assembly. Can you add in your own actions?
Maths: Coordinates
I can read coordinates and locate them on a grid
I can describe the position to plot the coordinates
Focus β When you are reading or writing coordinates, we use the strategy of βalong the corridor and up the stairs.β This reminds us to look along the bottom horizontal axis first and then look up the vertical straight axis on the left next to meet the correct point.
Task A: Record your title, I Can and Q1-12 in your jotter. What Easter image is at the following coordinates? Use the word bank at the bottom to help you with your spelling. for e.g.
1. ( 3 , 1 ) = Bluebells
(This means we have looked along 3 and up 1 square to meet the + point)
Task B: Record Q1-16 in your jotter. Help the Easter bunny find his eggs by writing the coordinates of each egg. Remember, look along the bottom first and then look up. (Along the corridor and up the stairs) Write your coordinates inside brackets with a comma between each axis line. ( ? , ? )
for e.g. 1. (A,4)
Sumdog Activity: Take part in at least 10 minutes of Sumdog today. Our Sumdog maths class challenge with P4/5 finishes at 3pm! Keep an eye out for your name on the leaderboard as you improve your accuracy.
Well done to those who took part yesterday!
Glasgow Science Centre at Home Click on the link below for:
Friday 3 April. We head to The Planetarium at Glasgow Science Centre to hear from Nina about some of the questions sheβs asked about space, get a close up of some meteorites and how you may be able to find your own if youβre very lucky. Ideal for budding astronomer and space enthusiasts aged 7 and over.
Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and you can have fun playing in your gardens or going for walks and cycles. I hope the Easter Bunny brings you a chocolate egg.
Have a super weekend and Easter break until Monday 20th April. Stay Safe!
I hope you managed to kickstart your day with PE with Joe on The Body Coach TV. We have been enjoying it from home too. Join in at home every morning at 9am! #PEwithjoe
Here are todayβs lessonsβ¦
Thursday 2nd April
Literacy: Parts of Speech (Punctuation/Grammar)
Warm up task: Spelling practise
I can read, write and spelling my common words
Word list: was, with, now, down, look, too, you, he, she, we, me, be (Revise)
Task: Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Practise your spelling words everyday in a different way in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or just write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!
Main Activity
I can identify a common noun β starts with a small letter and a proper noun β starts with a capital letter
I can include capital letters, full stops, commas and questions marks correctly.
Task: Parts of speech β A noun is a naming word. It can be a person, place or thing. Common nouns are the names of people, places and things in general. (boy, girl, chair, book, pencil, dog etc.) A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing. (Glasgow, Mrs Maher, Emily, McDonalds, Edinburgh etc.)
Practise β Draw a chart with the heading Proper nouns and Common nouns. Write each of the nouns in the correct column.
Making sure β 1 a. β h. Copy the sentences and underline the proper nouns. Circle the common nouns. The first one has been done for you.
Punctuation β Punctuate these sentences correctly using: CL, FS, Comm , and question marks. 2 a-b. Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns.
Read and check over your work then traffic light.
Finisher: Reading. Log on to Oxford Owl using the login details from yesterdayβs post via βMy Class Loginβ and choose a book of your choice. Listen to the text or read the text then play an activity (if it has one). If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only.
Maths: Multiplication
Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title and Q1-13 in youβre jotter. Complete the 10x table sums and then for 13. Join the numbers together. You could use an arrow -> or a comma. Read and check over your work.
Main activity: Multiplication
I can build up the 3 times tables.
I can build up the four times table by doubling the 2 times table
Task: Record your 3 times tables in your jotter like this:
3Γ3=9 and so on.
Record your 4 times table in your jotter like this:
3Γ4=12 and so on.
Three times table
Task A: Q1-9 Frog starts at 0 and hops along the bank in 3βs. Write a multiplication sum to show where he will be at the end.
for e.g 1. 4Γ3=12 (4 jumps of 3)
Q10-18. How many jumps does frog need to reach each number on the stone?
Four times table
Task B: Q1-7 Copy and complete in your jotter using doubling (adding on the same number). For e.g.
1. 3x2=6
3x4=12 (Double the 2x table to get 4x table so double 6 is 12)
Q8-18. Each chair has four legs. Write the number of legs.
for e.g. 8. 5 chairs x 4 legs = 20 (5Γ4=20)
Check over your answers and traffic light your work.
Sumdog Activity: Take part in at least 10 minutes of Literacy and Maths games today. Our Sumdog maths class challenge with P4/5 finishes tomorrow at 3pm!
Well done to those who took part yesterday!
Glasgow Science Centre at Home Click on the link below for:
Thursday 2 April. A science show theatre demonstration of a vertical rocket launch β using similar principles to those used by the likes of ESA or NASA when launching many of their rockets into space. Ideal for ages 7 years and over.
Shonagh from BDSP will be live TODAY at 12 on Facebook to show the habitat of the Meerkats. Tune in to find out some fabulous facts and ask your own questions.
Good morning everyone, itβs April Foolβs Day! Donβt get caught out by any tricks being played!
I hope you managed to kickstart your day with PE with Joe on The Body Coach TV. We have been enjoying it from home too. Join in with the family every morning at 9am to keep fit, happy and healthy!
Here are todayβs lessonsβ¦
Wednesday 1st April
Literacy: Comprehension
Warm up task: Spelling practise
I can read, write and spelling my common words
Word list: with, was, now, down, look, too, you, he, she, we, me, be. (Revise)
Task: Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Practise your spelling words everyday in a different way in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or just write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!
Main Activity
I can skim and scan the text.
I can answer in a full sentence.
Task: Record your title and I can in your jotter. Read the text βfrom Fireplace to Flapβ carefully twice. Take time to think about what you have read from the dictionary. The word is written in red, parts of speech are in Italics (noun/ adjective/ verb/ adverb) and its meaning is given underneath.
Complete the questions A. 1-8 (mild) in your jotter by filling in the gaps in the sentences. Choose the correct word from the dictionary page and record the sentence in your jotter. Make sure you donβt use the same words twice.
Complete B. 1-5 (spicy) by looking at the pictures of the flags then writing a full answer to the question in your jotter. Remember to write your quanswer (key words from the question to start your answer) and read it back to make sure it makes sense.
Complete C. (Hot) in your jotter by designing a flag for our class. Please try to use a ruler and make sure you choose shapes, colours and symbols that have special meanings to everyone in our class. Make it as eye-catching as possible!
Read and check over your work then traffic light.
Finisher: Reading. Log on to Oxford Owl using the login details from yesterdayβs post via βMy Class Loginβ and choose a book of your choice. Listen to the book or read the book then take part in an activity. If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only.
Maths: Subtraction
I can count on to add 10/ count back to subtract 10
I can count back in steps of 10 to subtract multiples
Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title, I can and Q1-14 in your jotter. Remembers only the Tens column changes unless you have 9 or 0.
Q1. You have been given the number 473, can you count on to add 10 each time and give the next 4 numbers?
Q2. You have been given the number 627, can you count back to subtract 10 each time and give the next 4 numbers?
Q3-5 Count on to add 10 to 834, 305 and 192.
Q6β8. Count back to subtract 10 to 561, 220 and 806.
Q9-14. Write out the sum and count on to add multiples of 10 or count back to subtract multiples of ten.
Remember only the Tens column changes unless you see 9 or 0. Check over your answers.
Main activity: 3-digit subtraction
I can subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number accurately
I can subtract multiples of 10 from a 3-digit number
Task A: Record your title, I can and Q1-14 in your jotter. Write out one sum at a time and calculate the answer by counting back in 1βs. When you takeaway a higher digit from the digit you have in the units you will need to count down to the tens below.
strategy: for -9 you can subtract 10 then add on 1. So 698-10=688 then +1 =689.
Remember, you can cover over the Hundreds to help you and focus on the tens and units only.
Task B: Record your title and Q1-12 in your jotter. Write out one sum at a time and calculate the answer by counting back in 10βs. You could use your fingers as sets of 10. When you takeaway a higher number that is more than your tens you will need to count down to the Hundreds below.
For e.g. 620-90=530 You could also use the strategy of subtracting 100 then add on 10.
Check over your answers and traffic light your work.
Calling all Primary 4βsβ¦
The Sumdog competition for our classes is running well and you are all doing grrr-eat! It started on Monday is on until Friday at 3pm. It is based on your Place Value skills. As you work to improve your accuracy, keep your eye on the leaderboard!
Well done to those who took part yesterday!
Letβs show P4/5 how marvellous we are at maths!
Today on Glasgow Science Centre at Home:
Wednesday 1 April. No, itβs not an April Foolsβ β you can pull the stars down from the sky and make your own nebula in a jar! A wonderful, and crafty, βmake-it-at-homeβ to try inspired by the birthplaces of stars β nebulae. To make your own, with some adult supervision, youβll need: small glass vial (or similar), cotton wool, coloured water (made with food colouring), and some glitter. Ideal for ages 7 and over, younger children will need a bit more help form an adult.