16.3.20 Homework

As part of our Term 2 Homework grid, you were asked to carry out a Literacy/RME topic task to research information about the religion of Islam. (Beliefs, prayer or worship)

Did you know:

  • Muslims follow the religion of Islam and believe Allah to be their one and only God
  • The religious symbol is a crescent moon and a star
  • The Muslim scripture is the holy book named the ‘Qur’ran’ which is in the Arabic language and read from the back to the front
  • Muslims are called to prayer five times a day from the minaret or they pray at home using a prayer mat facing the Kaaba in Mecca
  • Muslims gather together to worship Allah in a sacred building called a Mosque
  • When people go into the mosque they take off their shoes to keep it clean for prayer.
  • There is often a fountain with water where people can wash which is called wudu

Today we had some pupils sharing with us how they used their ICT skills and presented their Islam facts to the class. Well done!

Our next step is to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam; five duties that every Muslim is obliged to perform.

Sports Relief 2020

Today we completed 3 activities for Sport Relief as well as a special active assembly so we have been very busy indeed.

In the activity shown, we were improving our: mental health, physical fitness and boosting our overall happiness by moving to short vigorous dance activities. Dancing is a great low-impact cardio workout for everyone that can help improve our health, increase stamina, strengthen bones and muscles and stave off illnesses.

We thought about Rights 15, 24, 29 and 31 which link to us being able to relax and play, join groups, work together and become the best we can be no matter what our abilities. We had fun showing off our best moves!

For photos of the other activities, please see the blogs for Primary 4/5 and Primary 5.

Have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂


Today in Maths, we have been learning about Multiplication. We have discussed what we already know and made links from the 2x table with addition to make doubles.

We have improved our mental agility playing ‘Doubles to 10’ and ‘Doubles to 15’ using Topmarks. We have identified the tricky doubles and can say how a strategy helps us to find the answer accurately.

For e.g. a mental strategy for Double 9 = 10  +  10 = 20. 20 – 2 = 18.

Also, a mental strategy for Double 15 = 10 + 10 = 20. 5 + 5 = 10.

20 + 10 = 30. Our next step is ‘Doubles to 20.’

We have identified the number patterns in the 2x table and can say how 2x something is the same as ‘doubling’ the given digit (or repeated addition) . It was great fun playing in teams!

Why not have a go and try and beat our class score? Or try at home to beat an adult! 😉


Times Tables > Hit the Answer > x2

REMINDER: Friday 13th is Sport Relief. Children are invited to come to school dressed in red or in sports clothes and bring £1 donation (if they can).

Pancake Breakfast

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who came along today to watch us perform at the Pancake Breakfast. I’m sure you will agree that everyone sang so well and it was great to relax with tea/coffee and a sweet treat. Mmm! 🥞

World Book Day 📚 & Fairtrade Cooking 🧁

Today we had the best fun taking part in World Book Day activities. We also developed our practical skills in the open kitchen where we prepared and baked Chocolate Banana muffins as part of our Fairtrade topic. We used Fairtrade bananas and Fairtrade chocolate products today.

Did you know:

  • Six million people globally depend on growing cocoa to satisfy their sweet taste buds.
  • Fairtrade has breathed a new lease of life into entire cocoa farming communities in the poorest parts of the world.
  •  In 1994, Green & Black’s Maya Gold chocolate bar became the first Fairtrade-certified product in the UK.

Check out the video ‘Guardians of the Rainforest‘ where 14-year-old Beshey shares the story of his family, explaining how a group of cocoa farmers have come together to protect the forest, and develop their communities through Fairtrade.

Also check out ‘The Story of Chocolate’  that shows how Fairtrade is working towards a living income for cocoa farmers.

REMINDER: Tomorrow is Pancake Breakfast! 😋 Parents are invited to come along and enjoy a pancake whilst watching the children sing.


Wednesday 4th March 😀

Today during PE, it was exciting taking part in Team Games with our coach. We worked well together and followed the rules of the game to compete against each other.

Claire, our Music teacher visited us today who followed on from the last session of following the beat. We took part in some fun games using sticks to identify the beat and the rhythm.

REMINDER: TOMORROW is World Book Day! 

Pupils are asked not to dress up however I encourage everyone to bring in their favourite book to school. We will be reading at various times throughout the day and have some exciting tasks to celebrate World Book Day in our classroom. 🙂



Problem Solving and Enquiry

Today we had a visit from Mrs Keith who was working with our class on Problem Solving and Enquiry. We were faced with a ‘How many different numbers can you make?’ problem and as we began investigating we thought randomly realising there was logic behind it whilst using lots of focus. We learned the importance of not giving up because problem solving takes time and perseverance.  Everyone did well trying to handle our emotions while trying out new ideas. GREAT WORK!