26.03.20 P4 Home Learning πŸ“š

Good morning Primary 4. I hope you managed to kickstart your day with PE with Joe on The Body Coach TV. πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ We have been enjoying it from home too. Join in at home every morning at 9am! 😁 #PEwithjoe

Here are today’s lessons…

Thursday 26th March

Literacy: Parts of Speech (Punctuation/Grammar)

Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and spelling my common words

Word list: will, that, this, then, them, they, all, are, my, her. (Revise)

Task: Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Practise your spelling words everyday in a different way in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or just write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!

Main Activity

  • I can identify nouns, verbs and adjectives and include in sentences.
  • I can include capital letters, full stops, commas and questions marks correctly.

Task: Parts of speech – A noun is a naming word. It can be a person, place or thing. (Mason, Glasgow, book, boy, chair etc.) A verb describes the action (doing word). It tells us what happened. (Shouted, walked, said, drank, carried etc.) – the root word can have β€˜ing’ at the end to show the present tense or β€˜ed’ at the end to show past tense. An adjective describes the noun – size, shape, personality, colour, number and appearance. (Red, three, tall, short, round, pretty etc.)


Practise – copy the sentences. Choose the most suitable verb from the word bank to complete each sentence.

Making sure – 1. Think of a suitable noun to go with each adjective. 2. Think of a suitable adjective to go with each noun.

Punctuation – Punctuate these sentences correctly using: CL, FS, Comm , and Ques ?

Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦

Finisher: Reading. Log on to Oxford Owl using the login details from yesterday’s post via β€˜My Class Login’ and choose the book β€˜What was it like?’ Listen to the text, then read the story. If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only. Try to complete one of the activities at the top. πŸ“–


Maths: Multiplication

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title, I can and Q1-16 in your jotter. Complete mental maths sheet 3:A4. I have wrote some handy hints at the side to help you. Check over your answers. πŸ” 


Main activity: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Task: Multiplying by 2 – Q1-6 – Write the position of the pointer on each stick in your jotter, counting on in 2’s. Q7-18 complete the sums in your jotter. Multiplying by 5 and 10 – Q1-8 – Write the value of each pile of coins in your jotter, counting on in 5’s or 10’s. Q9-16 – Write the position of each pointer on the stick.


Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Play 10 minutes of your ActiveLearn account. Click on my stuff and enter the games to play Bronze > Silver > Gold and collect coins.

Sumdog Activity: Take part in at least 10 minutes of Literacy and Maths games today. πŸ†

Glasgow Science Centre at HomeπŸ§ͺ🧬
Keep your eyes peeled on the link below for:


Thursday 26 March. It’s one of our classic science show theatre demos and one that many viewers have requested. Ideal for all the family and with science that over 7s will enjoy.


Mrs Maher πŸ˜ƒ

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