25.03.20 P4 Home Learning πŸ“š

Good morning Primary 4. I hope you managed to kickstart your day with PE with Joe on The Body Coach TV. πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ We have been enjoying it from home too. Join in at home every morning at 9am! 😁

Here are today’s lessons…

Wednesday 25th March

Literacy: Comprehension

Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and spelling my common words

Word list: will, that, this, then, them, they, all, are, my, her. (Revise)

Task: Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Practise your spelling words everyday in a different way in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or just write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!

Main Activity

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.

Task: Record your title and I can in your jotter. Read the text β€˜The Human Ear – Hearing and Touching’ carefully twice. Take time to think about what you have read. Compete the questions A. 1-6 (mild), B. 1-4 (spicy) and C. (Hot) in your jotter. Remember to try using key words from the questions to begin your answer. For e.g. A1. The outside of the ear… and A2. The channel that connects the outer ear to the inner ear is… Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦

Finisher: Reading. Log on to Oxford Owl using the login details from yesterday’s post via β€˜My Class Login’ and choose a book of your choice. Listen to the book pressing the audio play button and then read the story twice. If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only. πŸ“– 

Maths: Subtraction

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title, I can and Q1-16 in your jotter. Complete mental maths sheet 3:A3. Check over your answers. πŸ” 

Main activity: 3-digit formal subtraction

  • I can formally subtract 3-digit numbers by 2/3 digit numbers with no exchanging.

Task: Record your title and I can in your jotter. Take your time to write out one sum at a time with neat digits written underneath each other and the – symbol to the left. This will help you keep the HTU in the correct columns. Use a ruler to draw your answer lines.

Let’s talk through sum number 1 as an example. Start by looking at the digits in the Units column and takeaway the bottom digit from the top (7-6). Record your answer (1) underneath your digit (6) then do the same for the Tens column (5-2). Record your answer (3) underneath  your digit (2) and finally the Hundreds column (3-1). Record your answer (2) under the digit (1). Your answer should be 231. Remember to start from the Units, move to the Tens then the Hundreds. Use your fingers to help you count back accurately.πŸ‘πŸΌ

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Play 10 minutes of your ActiveLearn account. Click on my stuff and enter the games to play Bronze > Silver > Gold and collect coins.

Sumdog Activity: Take part in at least 10 minutes of Literacy and Maths games today. πŸ†

Glasgow Science Centre at Home
Click on the link below for:


Wednesday 25 March. Your brain is amazing, but sometimes trying to make sense of the world about it can be tricky. Join our team for an exploration of how your senses can be fooled. Suitable for all the family, and with science over 7s will enjoy.

Mrs Maher πŸ˜ƒ

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