This week in Primary 4!

This week in Primary 4, it has been very busy indeed! Everyone enjoyed having Claire, our music lady, in the class showing us how to: work together as a team, show personality through music and learn to keep the beat.


Recently in Maths our focus has been formal subtraction (chimney sums) using the chilli challenge: mild (easy), spicy (medium) and hot (hard). We started our learning journey by visually seeing what it looks like in a column when we don’t have enough to subtract digits therefore needing to exchange. It was good fun taking on the roles as the Tens column or the Units column, exchanging one set of ten with 10 units.


Our Valentines Kandisky art was a great success and we were able to discuss the effect of using contrasting colours to engage the audience. We took part in a ‘Walkaround’ to identify the artwork of our peers that we engaged with and gave positive feedback to them. Well done everyone for the lovely compliments you gave!


As part of health and well-being we have focused on our emotions, what these look like as facial expressions, how we can manage our emotions and the importance of talking about how we feel. During the week many of us have taken part in a Daily check-in, ‘Bubble Time’ with the teacher and have also started using our ‘How are we feeling today?’ dropbox. Doesn’t it look fantastic!


This week has been the first week of our Fairtrade Fortnight topic. It has been interesting to watch video clips of the lives of cocoa farmers, the importance of Fairtrade to them, their families and their communities. We identified ways we can support them and identified many other products that are Fairtrade.  ICT was used to support learning through research and we shared our learning with the class.


Our Primary 7 reading and spelling buddies joined us for a session during our Literacy lesson this week.


Today was ECO day for the whole school where the children took part in a variety of ECO tasks. Primary 4 have been given their reusable canvas bag as an early Easter gift from myself – I hope you like it! Eco house points will be given out if you are using it within school too. This afternoon we completed the day with some fun and exciting dancing on Go Noodle to keep our bodies fit and healthy.


Have a great weekend everyone! 🙂

Visit from NSPCC

Today Primary 4 had two visitors from the NSPCC, who came to talk to us about speaking out and staying safe.

We met ‘Buddy the mascot’ who helps children with their right to speak out and stay safe.
learned about a little girl called Sam who spoke out to her teacher, she could help her and helped by speaking out for her. This helped all of her worries.

We also learned about grown-ups in school and out of school that we can talk to when we are worried about something.  It is good to ‘Keep speaking out until something changes.’

We understand that we ALL have the right to be safe, be heard and get help when we need it.

Reminder: Wed 12th Feb and Thurs 13th Feb are our in-services days. Children should return on Friday 14th Feb at 9am.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone! 😃

Today in Primary 4! :)

In the open kitchen we made and prepared a fruit salad. This is the perfect snack to help us get our 5-a-day in such a colourful way.  We practised using our practical skills such as peeling and chopping. Everyone got to enjoy tasting apples, bananas, green grapes, red grapes, oranges and strawberries. YUM!

Today in PE we have been developing our ball skills by dribbling the ball with the inside part of our foot. After that, we practised passing the ball and trapping it with our partners. Finally we had fun dribbling the ball and aiming to score it into the net. 🙂