This week in Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 have been using their learning ladders to reflect on their progress in Term 1. We have identified: what we have done well, what we need more practise and what we plan to do to improve next time. It is nice to take time to reflect on our success!

On Wednesday, we thoroughly enjoyed having our basketball coach during PE time. This week our focus has been defending.

Our top tips are:

  • You cannot just hold the ball and run
  • Try to block your opponent
  • Move around on the court


On Thursday, we started to plan our recount of STEM week. Planning helps us to: bring ideas together, plan the flow of our writing and identify VCOP that will make our writing interesting to read. Our next step is writing in paragraphs.

Here we are doing think, pair, share…

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Today we took part in MacMillan coffee morning at Woodlands. Amazingly, we performed on stage to the parents/ carers that came to see us. We have raised a fantastic amount of money for a great cause. Well done!

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Reminder: We have a delicious selection of: rhubarb, plum, bramble jams and organic honey for sale. Feel free to contact P7 if you are interested in purchasing any products. You can also email your feedback to:Β

Check out the website on

Have a lovely October break and I will see you back at school on Monday 21st October bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Mrs. L Maher

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