This week in P4

Primary 4 have had a busy week, this week. We are enjoying having our basketball coach being in with us on Wednesday’s PE time and we have been focusing on defending.

Check out some of our photos…

On Thursday we took part in some Music Madness with Clare our Kodaly teacher. We focused on the pulse and beats and the rhythm, rhyme and the rap of different songs. #Boomchikaboom

Check out our photos…

Thank you to everyone who came along last night to Meet the Teacher, it was lovely to meet mums and dads and to let the children show you around our classroom.

Some parents asked for the link to the ‘Topmarks’ website. We often use the learning games and whiteboard resources in class to support our learning and the children love to join in. In the Maths section, we use the Ordering, Sequencing and Place Value games. (The Greatest Game Ever is at the bottom)

Feel free to take part at home:

Anyone who cannot access the games on an apple device can do so through the ‘Puffin’ web browser. It runs just like safari but allows the flash player games to work. You can download it on:

This week we have two children who have celebrated success. Well done to IP for good listening, behaviour and effort at Beavers and LMcK for taking part in football tournaments. We are all very proud of you! 🙂

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday!

Mrs L Maher 🙂

P.S Remember your homework!

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