jeudi dix-huit avril 2019

Today Primary 4/5 took part in EGG-CELLENT Easter activities in the classroom including making chocolate easter cakes. We used the: microwave to melt pieces of chocolate, stirred in rice krispies, gave it a good mix, filled our Easter case then decorated with mini-eggs. Yum!

After break we celebrated winning ‘Woodlands Cool Class Cup’ with an extended break and a sweet treat. Mrs Maher has been delighted with Primary 4/5’s fantastic listening, excellent behaviour and everyone consistently following the golden rules. Keep it up boys and girls! πŸ™‚

Reminder: The school will be closed tomorrow (Friday 19th) and Monday 22nd for the Easter Weekend.Β  Pupils return Tuesday 23rd April at 9am.

Have a great long weekend everyone – the sun has to shine! πŸ™‚

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