Everyone has been given out a new homework grid with tasks for the full term. This has been discussed with each child and they know which resources they require for each task. for e.g. spelling – children are happy to take home spelling task cards/ activity leaflet/ spelling programme from the class.
Every Monday, each child should hand-in their homework with one grid box signed by an adult or coloured in to show it has been completed. The final Monday hand-in date is Monday 24th June and homework certificates will be given out.
Dojo points and house points will be given out for one homework task completed and handed in on time each week. One ‘Homework Star’ will be chosen and they will receive a reward. Good Luck!
Please try to keep your homework in the poly-pocket to keep it in one piece! If there are any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Reminder: ALL children should bring a water bottle to school to allow them to have regular drinks especially in warmer weather. You can bring in any kind of water/juice bottle that you have with a lid and refill it at our water fountain.
Thank you,
Mrs L. Maher