As a reminder for Eco-Day tomorrow, please come to school in school in clothes/ footwear with a jacket that you don’t mind getting dirty. We will be outside and carrying out a variety of gardening tasks throughout the day.

Thank you! 🙂

Here is Tuesday’s post regarding tomorrow’s event.

Woodlands Got Talent 2019!

Well done to Ruby, Rebecca and Sophie from Primary 4/5 who auditioned for Woodlands Got Talent and got through to this afternoon’s show. You were superstars on the stage and your singing and dancing was amazing!

Congratulations to Sophie who was runner up in 2nd place today! She showcased her fabulous dancing in front of the entire school. We were all really proud of how well she did! 🙂

Well done Sophie!

14.2.19 Big Writing

Today was our Big Writing day and we added ambitious vocabulary to our word wall.  We explored new adjectives, adverbs and similes that we could include to make our writing more exciting, capturing the reader’s interest.

We realised that our writing process takes time and it is important to experiment with moving adverbs around in a sentence, to help us make sense of our writing. It helps us to see which words fit best and where!

Our new focus is on the next aspect of starting points for stories – Setting. To describe where and when the story took place we included: Time of day, Time of year, Time in History, Scenery, Weather and Location.

Here we are at the beginning stage of being authors… 🙂

P4/5 A Few Things…

This week our class have been very busy learning to be reporters. First we gathered notes from Chapter 11 of Charlie and the chocolate Factory. Next we organised these into the main events and created our own success criteria checklist. After that we edited to up-level our vocabulary and check for VCOP.  Finally we created a wonderful newspaper report based on Charlie finding the final fifth ticket!

Look out for our drama photos, coming soon! 🙂

Primary 4/5 have also been practising their Badminton skills by demonstrating: gripping technique, hand-eye co-ordination,  positioning, upwards swinging action and serving the shuttlecock diagonally over to their opponents court. Our next steps are using more space and using more force and speed.

On Wednesday Primary 4 & 5 enjoyed some Snowball Madness. We enjoyed having our Snowball fight, a hot dog, snack, drink and a film to watch also.

Kung Hei Fat Choi! This week we have been extremely excited learning about Chinese New Year – it is Year of the Pig. Did you know: The Year of the Pig won’t come around for until 2031, that’s another 12 years away!

Our class have learned a lot about: Chinese traditions, horoscopes, traits, read wonderful stories, painted in Chinese and created wonderful colourful dragons.

Today we completed our week of Chinese New Years activities with having fun in our kitchen. We prepared and cooked Chinese Sweet Chilli / Hoisin and Plum Stir Fry and Noodles. Everyone demonstrated good practical skills using washing, chopping, peeling and grating.

Have a wonderful long weekend and I will see you fresh and bright for learning on Thursday morning 9am. 🙂