On Monday, we all took part in a Science experiment to look at the hypothesis: Can I create a gas using only a solid and a liquid? We used water and oil then added in glitter, food colouring and an alka-seltzer tablet. We watched mixed the items together, watched the chemical reaction take place then let them settle again. We noticed that the oil is less dense and sits on top and the more tablet you add the more bubbles of carbon dioxide you see.
On Tuesday we had a visit from the SSPCA. Lindsey was telling us about how injured birds and wild animals are cared for and then released back into the wild. There was a video presentation, then a quiz and at the end we played Snakes and Ladders, but before going up a ladder or down a snake you had to answer a true or false question about animals- it was great fun!
Last night, Primary 4’s and Primary 5’s had the best fun at the Halloween Disco. We had exciting games, dances and movies then enjoyed a snack. It was wonderful to see you dressed up in your brilliant costumes!
I’d like to say a huge well done to everyone for fantastic work and behaviour this week. First, we have been improving our Rounding in Maths and been trying out tricky number challenges that have more than one step to the problem. In PE, we have been demonstrating greater ball skills. We are super excited about spooky Halloween writing next week using WOW words as vocabulary!
Homework Reminder: Anyone who has not changed their reading book may do so on Tuesday via the sign in/out record. Please remember you are free to hand in weekly homework tasks to the tray or hand in your folder on the last week of November. In December, all homework will be assigned to the festivities.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!