Christmas Homework and Christmas Events Information

Christmas Homework

We have started our new topic ‘The Victorians’.  We have been learning about Queen Victoria and about a Victorian Christmas.  We have found out that many of our modern day Christmas traditions, originated in Victorian times.

For Homework:  Research a Victorian Christmas in more detail, then choose one of the following activities for homework:

  • Record 5 detailed facts about a Victorian Christmas.
  • Make a poster to explain Victorian Christmas traditions that we use today.
  • Make a traditional Victorian Christmas decoration.
  • If you have your own idea for a homework activity which involves learning more about a Victorian Christmas you can choose to do this and bring it into school next Monday to show the class.


Christmas Show Outfits

Tomorrow is our dress rehearsal at 9.15am.  Some children have still to bring in their party clothes to wear on stage.


Christmas Lunch

It’s also Christmas Lunch tomorrow and, if they want, children can wear a Christmas jumper and bring in a non-perishable food item for Cumbernauld Food Bank.


Christmas Party

Next Monday, it’s P5-7s Christmas Party.  The party will take place after lunch but children can wear their party clothes to school.  Please donate either a bottle of juice, shop bought cakes, multipack of crisps, fun size sweets/chocolate or a packet of sweets to share.



Today we answered some questions about our books. We did Chapter 10 questions and some of us did Chapter 5 questions. We were Dood Detective skills such as inference and deduction skills.



Today certain people made posters about doubling + halving, partitioning, rounding + adjusting, complements to 10, 100 and 1000 and counting on and back using an empty number line.The rest of us were revising doubling and halving using calculations.


Today we learned a new topic: Victorians. We did portraits of Queen Victoria but some of us traced ours on a computer!We also made a fact file about her and her life.We found out that she had 9 children!We also made a timeline about all the main events of history to see where the Victorian period fitted in.

BIG Writing

Today we wrote a reply letter to ‘Mrs Claus’ coming from Santa Claus.She was angry because Santa had left her for 300 Christmas Eve’s by herself.(excluding the 500 elves and gnomes)and she says that this Christmas was the last time she was going to be left behind.




By Neil, Ashton and Logan

P6/7 Homework w/b:4.12.17

Literacy – Reading book

Draw a picture of one of the settings of your group reading book.  Where is this place and what happens there?

Read the next chapter of your book.



This week we have started looking at vocabulary building., using affixes.  Affixes are prefixes and suffixes.  Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words by adding letters to the beginning or end of words.

A prefix is added to the beginning of words – dis + comfort = discomfort. (dis is the prefix.)

A suffix is added to the end of words – hope + ful = hopeful  (ful is the suffix)


This week we are learning the prefixes pre- (meaning before) and multi- (meaning many)


Neptune’s words:

Pre- Multi-
prevent multiply
prefix multigym
prepare multiple
prebook multitask
preplan multigrain


Saturn’s Words:

Pre- Multi-
precise multiplication
prequel multicoloured
premier multidimensional
preview multilayered
prewrap multimedia
preempt multimillionaire
prevail multinational
prevent multivitamin
prework multitasking
presume multipurpose


Pick at least 3 of the words and discuss what you think they mean, based on the meaning of the prefix, and how it changes the meaning of the word when added on.  You can record these meanings in your jotter.  Use a dictionary to help or check the meanings.



We have been doubling and halving and finding near doubles and halves and adjusting the answer, to help us with addition and subtraction calculations.

Complete your given worksheet, either on the sheet or in your jotter.

Continue to spend time on Sumdog, Active Learn and Hit the Button to improve your maths skills.  Hit the Button has a great doubling and Halving game.


Health and Wellbeing

We have been learning a lot about how to have healthier lifestyles and a good balance of food groups in the meals we eat.  You have all been given a healthy eating booklet to help with this – ‘Eat Like a Champ Passport’.  Your homework this week is to complete Task One – Eat Well Family Healthy Eating Report, with a chosen adult at home.




Today we were answering questions about our books:Why the Whales Came,The Demon Headmaster and The Best Dog in the World. Some of us were answering up to 8 questions, using inference and deduction skills , like Dood the Detective!  this means we have to ‘read between the lines‘ to work out what the author is meaning.


Today we made a profile about ourselves in French.We used the most commonly used words(J’ai and Je)for our profile.You wrote down your name,age,nationality,pets, siblings and birthday.


Today we learning how to make links in multiplication between the 2, 4 and 8 times table.

If you know 2 x 4 = 8 then 4 x 4 = double 8

If you know 4 x 4 =16 then 4 x 8 = double 16


By Neil Ashton and Logan.




P6/7 Homework w/b: 27.11.17


  1. Practise your times tables.  Everyone knows what times tables they have to cover.  Here are some websites to help you practise.  Please record in your homework jotter how you prefer to practise your tables, the websites you visit or if you find a really useful website also write it down in your jotter for others to try.

Here are some website that may help:

2) Go onto Sumdog to practice your maths.


Literacy- Revision of Speech Marks.

Look at these sentences, put the speech marks into the correct place and replace the weak verbs (the ones underlined)with powerful verbs.

  1. Hello,   said the girl.
  2. John said, I am going to the shop.
  3. What time is it? asked Mary.
  4. I can play in the park, he said.
  5. The sun is shining today, said the woman.
  6. Where is my ball? asked Peter.
  7. She said,   I am 7 years old.
  8. I have brown hair, the little girl said.

*Can you write at least 2 sentences of your own using speech marks and powerful verbs?


strategy – ‘y’ as in gym and ‘i’ as in big.  Practise your words at home.  You have been given a printed word list or you have copied your word list into your homework jotter.

St Andrew’s Day

Use sources to research the life of St Andrew. Select key information to create a fact sheet.  Possible areas to consider: St Andrew’s Life; St Andrew’s Day Traditions, The Saltire and Patron Saint of Scotland and other countries.

Monday 27th November 2017


Today we were rounding and adjusting. We were learning a new way to round and adjust!We were using empty number lines.It was quite tricky because we were doing minus calculations.If we add one on we still have to add one on because we are taking away more than we are supposed to!


Today we practiced our spelling words. Strategy – ‘y’ as in gym / ‘i’ as in big.

  • Abyss
  • Acronym
  • Abysmal
  • Analytic
  • Calypso
  • Cryptic
  • Cygnet
  • Mystic
  • Pygmy
  • Synchronise
  • Syllable
  • Synthetic
  • Typical
  • Irritable
  • Gigantic
  • Disagree
  • Misplace
  • Willing
  • Disturbed
  • Misbehave

Blog by Neil, Logan and Ashton

P6/7 Homework w/b: 20.11.17



Skill:  soft g  When “g” is followed by:
eiy  it sounds like “j”.

            (There are some exceptions to this rule.)

The letter ”g” has two sounds, hard “g” and soft “g”.
The hard sound of “g” occurs more frequently. Its sound is heard in gas, got, gum, etc. Soft “g” sounds like “j”. It is heard in gem, giant, gym,

Practise the spelling words you have copied down or have a copy of, and choose and complete a ‘spell well’ activity of your choice! (using new Spell Well Homework Activity Guide)

Dictation – ask someone at home to choose one or two of the sentences below to dictate for you (read aloud to you, whilst you write it down).  Check to see if you spelled the words correctly and included correct punctuation.

  • The hamster’s cage door has a strong hinge.
  • The teenager was afraid of strangers.
  • The gymnastic class was held in a large room.
  • Put the gentle hamster in the cage.
  • Can giant windmills generate energy?
  • The gym has storage space.
  • Can you guess my two-digit number?
  • Can you manage the luggage?
  • Can you imagine being a giant?
  • The sloth is sluggish and pudgy.
  • I apologized to the clergyman.
  • My glasses are smudgy and germy.
  • Is a giraffe a gigantic, tall mammal?
  • I had a tragic fall and got emergency care.



Our class have entered a North Lanarkshire online maths contest with SUMDOG! This week we will be competing against other classes in North Lanarkshire, which have also entered the competition.

All you have to do is play Sumdog’s games and your scores will count towards our class score.  The final score that will be counted will be our class’ average score.

Students who answer 100 questions in a contest will receive an item for their Sumdog house.


Enterprise week

This week is Enterprise week in school and we are calculating cost and sale prices for our Christmas Fair craft.  We will be making our craft to sell on Saturday, discussing product, materials, production line, damage control, quality control.  We will also be investigating business and entrepreneurial skills and discussing the qualities and skills you need to be a successful business person.  In addition, we will be discussing our own dream jobs and the world of work in general.


At home, could you interview an adult about their job or career, using the given template as a guide.  Gather as much detailed information as you can, to share back at school next week.


jeudi 16 novembre 2017


Today we used an empty number line for addition and subtraction of decimals.We were rounding and adjusting real-life prices from  shopping lists and Chinese menus.In these photos,we are playing rounding bingo were the teacher calls out a multiple of 10 or 100 and if you have written a number which rounds to that number,you can cross it out.

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Today we were learning about the three different types of questions:

  • literal -these questions say the answer in the text.
  • inferential -in these questions, you need find to clues in the text .
  • evaluative -we could give our own opinion and have evidence to back up our answers.

On a power point,we were shown a picture with questions next to it and we had to answer the questions shown on the board. By Neil & Ashton

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