P6/7 Homework w/b: 29.1.18

Scottish / Burns Party

As a culmination to our Social Dancing block in P.E. P6/7 are having a Scottish party this Thursday afternoon, 1st February.  We will have some Scottish themed activities, food tasting and dancing the dances we have learned.

Children are encouraged to wear some tartan on the day, but should come to school in school uniform.  If they have a full Scottish themed outfit they wish to wear, they can bring it with them and change at lunchtime.

If children wish to contribute any Scottish themed food or drinks, they are welcome and that would be greatly appreciated.



We are learning about similes this week, how it is used by authors to enhance description, and also how to use them to enhance our writing.

A simile is a way of describing something by comparing it to something else using ‘like’ or ‘as’.


Her eyes are like stars and her lips are like roses.

The car was as fast as a cheetah.


Complete the following similes with your own ideas.

As quiet as _______________________________.

The children were as noisy as _______________________________.

The sea was as clear as _______________________________.

The night was as black as _______________________________.

As clever as _______________________________.

As happy as _______________________________.

Greece was hot like  _________________________________.

As soft as ________________________________.

The lady had a voice like a ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________.


Can you make up some interesting similes of your own?



Choose at least 2 activities to complete from the multiplication homework grid, on your chosen times tables.  Remember you have a multiplication grid to fill out to practise your times tables speed test.


Victorians Homework – choose another activity from the Victorians homework grid to complete.


P6/7 Homework w/b: 22.1.18

Literacy – Spelling

Due to the weather last week causing a great deal of absence, the spelling homework will continue into next week also.  This is the homework set for last week….

There are no specific set spelling words this week.  Instead we will each be focusing on words we personally and continually spell wrong in our written class work, so each pupil’s list may look very different.  At home, if there are any words you know you spell wrong (or if you are the parent/carer reading this, that you know your child spells wrong) then please practise them at home, as this will improve general spelling within the class.

Below are some websites which might give you inspiration for words to practise:





Please note that all children checked their writing jotters and recorded words which they had spelled incorrectly in their work.  These should be practised and added to the original list you compiled at home.  The aim is to give each child their own personal spelling test on their own words, over the course of the following week.



This week please focus on times table practise of certain tables you find tricky (think back to the maths lesson with Mrs Keith last week).  Use this link to access some fun multiplication games:




IDL – Victorians

Choose another one of the activities from your given Victorian homework activity sheet to complete this week.  This sheet will run for the next few weeks, and you will choose one activity per week.

Maths with Mrs Keith

This afternoon, Mrs Keith, maths specialist, visited our class and taught us strategies to help us with tricky times tables!

“I learned that you can use doubling and halving for times tables”

“You can switch the times table around.”

“We can use an empty number line to add the same number several times.”

“The strategies we have learned for addition and subtraction can be applied to help with times tables.”


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Snow Day!

Today, there were only 10 children in our class, so we decided to base our day around the current weather conditions.

We wrote poems about snow and winter, we painted winter landscapes and did some mindfulness winter colouring.  We also played games with the P6 class in P.E. and finally had a whole school play in the snow in the last part of the afternoon.

It was a fun day!

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P6/7 Homework w/b: 15.1.18

Homework w/b: 15.1.18

Literacy – Spelling

There are no specific set spelling words this week.  Instead we will each be focusing on words we personally and continually spell wrong in our written class work, so each pupil’s list may look very different.  At home, if there are any words you know you spell wrong (or if you are the parent/carer reading this, that you know your child spells wrong) then please practise them at home, as this will improve general spelling within the class.

Below are some websites which might give you inspiration for words to practise:






We have been learning to solve addition and subtraction word problems in maths.  This is a tricky task as we have to work out the important information being asked for and which operation to use (+ or -).  Sometimes we need to use both to solve the one problem.

Please solve the problems on your given maths homework sheet.  You can cut out the problems and stick them in your jotter before solving them.

Remember to use the acronym RUDSS or RUDESCS to help you with the steps.


Read the problem

Underline the important words and numbers

Decide on the operation to be used (+ or – or both?)

Solve the problem

Show your working



Read the problem

Underline the important words and numbers

Decide on the operation to be used (+ or – or both?)

Experiment with different ways to solve

Solve the problem

Check your answer

Show your working


IDL – Victorians


Choose one of the activities from your given Victorian homework activity sheet to complete this week.  This sheet will run for the next few weeks, and you will choose one activity per week.

P6/7 Homework w/b: 8.1.18

Welcome back and Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had an enjoyable festive break and you are ready to get back to work!



Spelling Tricky Words

Please practise these words this week.  This list is made up of words  which are not spelled as you would expect them to be and ones that we have trouble spelling in class and we have chosen ourselves.

Choose whether you want to practise only the first column or both columns.

Practise by writing them down, carrying out spell well activities and covering them and testing yourself.

people miniature
cupboard temperature
library separate
neighbour conscience
rhythm coincidence
antique necessary
different definitely
difficulty acceptable
island embarrass
favourite jewellery
restaurant suspicious

Mnemonics and silly sentences

Some people make up mnemonics (a sentence to help your memory of spelling words) or  silly sentences to help remember tricky sentences.  Here are some examples:

because – Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants.

necessary – Never Eat Cabbage; Eat Slug Sandwiches And Remain Young.

island – and island IS LAND surrounded by water.

Can you come up with a memory sentence like these, for 2 or 3 of your tricky words, to help you remember to spell them.



We have been learning a variety of addition and subtraction strategies.  We concentrated on this a lot before the holidays and are having one last week, this week, to push our learning in this area.  It is so important that you know your basic number bonds to 10, 20 and 100, doubles and halves, fact families and inverses, counting on and back, partitioning.  If you are really good at these mental calculations it will help you in all aspects of maths.

Try this great website for addition and subtraction games.


If you need slightly easier games click on the 5-7 year old tab at the top of the web page.  If you would like a further challenge, click on the 11-14 tab at the top of the website.


Health and Wellbeing

Your Eat Like a Champ Passport!

Some of you will have your Eat Like a champ Passports at home, as some were not handed in after the last set homework.

Complete Task 2 – ‘Nutrients and Fibre Hunt’ in your Passport.


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