P6/7 Homework w/b: 26.2.18


Spelling Strategy / Rule:–

‘y’ to ‘ies’ or ‘s’ rule to make it plural (more than one)

  • If the word ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) + y then just add ‘s’. boy – boys, donkey – donkeys.


  • If the word ends in a consonant (all the other letters in the alphabet) + y then ‘y’ changes to ‘ies’. country – countries, baby – babies.


add ‘s’ rule change ‘y’ to ‘ies’ rule  
boy – boys country – countries
donkey – donkeys baby – babies  
key – keys memory – memories  
tray – trays body – bodies  
valley – valleys variety – varieties  
journey – journeys family – families  
survey – surveys beauty – beauties  
kidney – kidneys responsibility – responsibilities  
enjoy – enjoys opportunity – opportunities  
employ – employs party – parties  


Practise spelling these words and focusing on the rule that is used.  Can you come up with any more words that follow these rules?  Record them in your homework jotter.

Maths – Time – Complete at least 2 of the following activities

  • 1 I can talk about how people plan their lives using times and dates Events around the world, globe.

Ask children to look at TV schedules which show live sporting events (e.g. Formula One Grand Prix races, tennis tournaments, rugby matches). They record the time the programme is being shown in the UK and the country where the event is taking place. Back in class look at a globe and APM 690 and work out roughly the time of the event in the country where it was being held.

  • 2 I can estimate and then measure how long tasks or events will take and what I can achieve in a given time period. How long does it take?

Ask children to estimate or measure how long it takes them to do a particular activity (e.g. brush their teeth, walk the dog, eat dinner, etc.). They record this for four days. Back in class children compare their findings. Who spent most time brushing their teeth?

  • 3 I can tell any time on 12 hour digital and analogue clocks beginning to have a sense of how long a second, minute or hour lasts

Puzzle sheet -Ask children to create a puzzle sheet for a friend to do. In one column they write some digital times (e.g. 3:15). In a second column they write the same time but using words to describe the analogue time (e.g. quarter past 3), writing these in a different order. Back in class children swap puzzle sheets and find the matching times.

  • Play activities on Active Learn – I have allocated time games to your active learn accounts – ‘Marching Madness’ and ‘Robot Revenge’.



We have been learning about how to talk about the weather in French.

Go on the following websites to practise weather in French.  Some may require Flash to work.





This is also a great resource, which can be downloaded as an app on a phone, to help learn and practise a language – Duolingo – https://www.duolingo.com/





Art with Miss Brittain

Today in art we were make and creating thistle village for drama. We drew and  sketched some pictures that we would think was in our own thistle village,then when we finished sketching our pictures we started painting them.We were in groups of two to do this task, this is one of our favourite subjects in school. 

by Lacey and Matthew

French with Miss Brittain

Today we were using our knowledge to figure out what the date was in french and the weather. We do this every single day of school so we remember what it is so it is easier to do it every day and we are doing it so we know what the weather and the date is. -+ We are also learning this so if we one day go to France we will be able to ask what the date is and what the weather is.













































































mercredi 21 fevrier 2018

Literacy: Today in literacy our group were responding to the text by using quotes and evidence from the text.We were also making the Arctic circle  and quoting some information about the white world in the Tupilak. We all really enjoyed drawing and making our Arctic circle.

Today we all learned about the Arctic circle and also using evidence from the text and quoting from what the author said.

P.E.:Today in p.e. we were putting up the net to practice our badminton skills such as: passing with the rackets and shuttlecock, passing over the net and throwing the shuttlecock  and hitting it with the racket .

Maths: Today in maths we were learning  new time facts. We went into groups of 3 and we played a game that links with time, the board game was about spinning a pencil around and whatever it landed on   you have to put your counter on the one you choose and give an answer to your question.

by Matthew and Lacey

Drama / Art – ‘Thistle Village’

Today we started our drama topic with Miss Brittain, where, through guided improvisation, we are going to portray the inhabitants of Thistle Village.

We began by imagining what the small, rural village of Thistle Mountain would look like and then identified and listed the different features that a small Scottish rural village would have.

Then it was time for the fun part, designing the village! We have started to sketch out different amenities and sights that you would see in Thistle Village and are going to progress them into paintings and eventually into a frieze of Thistle Mountain and Village.

We all worked collaboratively and extremely hard this afternoon.

Can’t wait to see the finished product!

p6/7 homework w/b: 19.1.18



Spelling Vocabulary building – suffixes

‘ous’- meaning ‘full of’

e.g. glorious means full of glory


glorious prosperous
enormous ravenous
famous tremendous
ridiculous mountainous
gracious nutritious
adventurous hazardous
jealous anonymous
miraculous generous
mischievous momentous
nervous numerous



Spelling Vocabulary building – suffixes

‘ous’- meaning ‘’full of’

e.g. glorious means full of glory


glorious jealous
enormous ravenous
famous nervous
ridiculous generous
gracious numerous


Find the meanings of as many as you can and use at least 5 of them correctly in a sentence (written).



  • Complete activity on the activity sheet to practise multiplication.
  • We have been learning about multiples, factors and prime numbers. Complete prime numbers activity sheet. Remember a prime number is only divisible by itself and 1.  It has only 2 factors – itself and 1. There is only one even prime number!
  • Here is a link to help you…


  • I have allocated 2 new games on active learn which will help you with multiples, factors and prime numbers – Individual Practise Game 39 – ‘Reel it In’ (2 dot game and 3 dot game)


Just a wee reminder of the meanings…

The multiples of a number are those you arrive at when you multiply it by another number.  So 3, 6, 9, 12 etc. are multiples of 3.

A common multiple of two numbers is one which is a multiple of both.  So common multiples of 3 and 5 include 15.

The lowest common multiple (LCM) of two numbers is the lowest number which is a multiple of both.  So the lowest common multiple of 3 and 5 is 15.

The inverse of multiple is factor.  So 3 is a factor of 3, 6, 9, 12 etc.

We multiply factors together to get another number, for example: 2 and 3 are factors of 6 because 2 x 3 = 6

So 6 is a common multiple of 2 and 3 and 2 and 3 are factors of 6.


2 and 3 are factors of 6 and 6 is a multiple of 2 and 3.




Victorians Homework – choose another activity from the Victorians homework grid to complete.

Making vegetable soup!

Today, we prepared and made vegetable and lentil soup in the kitchen.  We discussed the risks of working with equipment in the kitchen and how to demonstrate good hygiene.

We focused on peeling, chopping, cutting and dicing skills while preparing the vegetables for the soup.

We worked really well in our groups and were all safe, focused and enjoying the process.

At the end we ate our delicious soup and it got a thumbs up on taste.

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In maths today we were learning about common multiples and the lowest common multiple. We wrote a number on our white board and walked around the class and when the teacher said stop whatever number we had we had to find the product and the factor.

P.E. Badminton

Today in p.e. we practiced our badminton skills the skills we used were : hitting with the racket, passing with a shuttlecock and three groups while passing : beanbags, shuttlecock, a hoop and a tennis ball.

by Lacey and Matthew

P6/7 Homework w/b: 5.2.18


Spelling Vocabulary building – Prefixes

mono- meaning ‘one’, ‘single’, ‘alone’


monologue monotone
monarchy monotonous
monocle monoplane
monorail monolith
monopoly monolingual
monosyllable monochrome



Complete worksheet to practise multiplication.



Victorians Homework – choose another activity from the Victorians homework grid to complete.


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