All posts by gw16parkdeborah@glow

Time Thursdays ⏰

Today P7 practised Time again and we had the same pupil with the same personal best of 8 seconds! We will see if he can beat it tomorrow!

We also went back in time to 1914; pupils wrote a letter, postcard or newspaper report about the Christmas Truce from the perspective of a soldier/ reporting from a soldiers perspective 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

Terrific Tuesday 🌟

This morning, P7 had fantastic fun in our Yoga session, ending with a yoga dance party! 💃🏻

We had some pupils participate in our parent councils activity for anti-bullying which was to wear odd socks 🧦.
We had a pupil share their fantastic homework on the Ancient Wonders of the World 🌎 👏.