All posts by gw16parkdeborah@glow

Friday 🌟

This morning Primary 6 and Primary 7 done a fantastic job singing to raise money for our MacMillan Coffee Morning! Thank you to all of the parents, families and carers who came to support our pupils! 🌟

P6/7 continued their reading buddies session today with P2/3 and P3 focussing on non-fiction. They all worked so hard on their reading skills and the buddies enjoyed helping.

P7 also showcased their Place Value context boards which looked fantastic! They were bright, colourful, had lots of information including top tips and steps of how to read numbers, order number etc and some even had a quiz for the pupils to interact!
We were also very lucky to be shown P7s project about their class business of honey lip balm, jam and other products. We got to see all of their work through the website they have created and even got  a sneak peak of their adverts! We were very impressed 👏 🌟 We can’t wait to purchase the items! Great work P7!

This afternoon, we finished our recounts of STEM week. House points will be awarded for those who complete their recounts over the next week and hand in on Monday. ⭐️

Maths 🧭

P6/7 focussed on compass points and angles on Friday for Maths day during STEM week. We went through each compass point and faced which way that would be. We then applied this by giving each other instructions outside, taking turns.

Using our knowledge of compass points and degrees of angles, we designed our own maps and created instructions for our partners to find the treasure at X.


For Engineering day of stem week, we learned about famous Scottish Engineers and famous women engineers. We read the information with our partner and then had a competition to see who could remember facts and who could answer questions related.


P6/7 & P7 then participated in groups in a challenge to design and make a table structure using cello tape, scissors and paper/ newspaper. We discussed the process involved in engineering: designing, building, testing, reviewing and adapting. This task was tricky and we had to work together, listen, debate ideas and try different structures to make sure it is study and with a table top (cardboard) if it can hold a heavy book.

To complete this task, if anyone has any spare cardboard boxes or cereal boxes etc around the house, could P6/7 please collect it for Thursday 10th October? Thank you!😊 We can’t wait to test them and see who has a sturdy, strong and stable table!


P6/7 designed and created technical items for a house in 2050. We looked at how technology has changed over the years and discussed how how things could change/ adapt or new things which could be invented over the next 30 years. We came up with some great ideas! 💡 💻 📱

Science during STEM week!🌋

P6/7 participated in PE outside today, playing warm up games and then competing in sprint races. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️👏

As it is STEM week, we focussed on Science today, learning and discussing different types of scientists and what their job would entail. We focussed on geology today and looked at volcanoes in particular, we then experimented making chocolate volcanoes and observed what direction the “lava” flows and after each layer was poured, checked how far it would go, did it go the same direction and as far each time? 🌋 P6/7 and P7 completed an activity with Miss Park and Mr Mcmullan, both based on Science.

Tomorrow’s focus will be Technology, Thursday will be Engineering and Friday will be Maths themed.

P7s will continue their Science at GHS tomorrow morning. Please remember a jacket for walking there and back 🧥.


We have started creating our own Road Safety Poster to have a chance of winning the Road Safety competition explained by our JRSO 👏 🚦 🚘 . They will all have a slogan, colourful illustrations and a positive message about how to keep safe on the roads.

🍌 🧁


Last week, P6/7 followed a recipe to bake banana and chocolate chip muffins, taking a role each, they were very yummy! 🍌 🧁 We also researched smoothie recipes and told the class our ingredients and voted on a flavour we could make as a class throughout the week 🍌 🍓 🍉 We then practised our maths through Sumdog ✖️➗➖➕

🌪🌊🌫 🔈 & 📖

P6/7 have been presenting their power points on teaching their peers about their chosen natural disasters. We have been focusing on our eye contact and voice level when presenting to others.

For our class novel, BFG, we created our own giants and described them using our own made up words, like Roald Dahl uses in the novel.