All posts by gw16parkdeborah@glow

Tuesday 26th May 2020 🌞




Good Morning boys and girls! I hope you are all well, had a lovely long weekend and ready for another short week of learning! 🤗

I would like to share AM’s kindness poster from last week to begin our week positively! Well done AM, it looks fantastic! 🌟 👏



This morning we are going to warm our brains up by practising our tables. Try the game below, it will ask you for multiples (think of these as the answers to the tables).  You can choose which table you would like to focus on.



I can work out the missing factors.

Watch the clip below to remind yourself what a factor is.

Try Questions 1-10, filling in the missing factors.


  1. Factors of 10: 1 x 10 and 2 x 5



On Active Learn, you should see the game ‘Balloon Pop’ for you to practise your tables. You can choose your level of difficulty using gold, silver and bronze.

Remember your username is first 4 letters of your first name followed by the first 4 letters of your surname. Your password should be ‘woodlands’ and school code: 6KWA.

Any issues please comment on the blog or e-mail me




Go to

Then enter the code: idt2922 (This is our class code.)

Now look for you name and read a book.

Activities: I can use a dictionary

More and more people are using online dictionaries but it doesn’t matter if you use an online dictionary or a real one, you need to understand how a dictionary is laid out and how the information is given.  Look at this page from a dictionary.

For Q2, if you don’t have a dictionary at home then use this online dictionary





Thursday 21st May 2020 🤩

For you guys, the weekend begins tomorrow! It’s a bank holiday tomorrow 🥳

P7’s please have a look at the GHS transition video on the main blog!

Remember Mrs McMillans video will be up today too for everyone!



What was your act of kindness yesterday?

What are you going to do today?



Today, you have a choice for writing:

I can write a recount.


I can create a narrative story about kindness.

You can either write a recount of the acts of kindness you have done this week.  Remember to include detail of who, when, where, what, why and how.


You can write a story about kindness, remember to give detail, description and try to use figurative language (similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, alliteration and personification).


Can you use each type of figurative language?


Share your recount or story with someone at home or a friend over the phone or you can share it with me:




In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations.  To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables.  Here’s today’s game:

Select -> Times Tables then select the times tables you know you need to practise the most.


Since it’s the last day this week, Mrs Pollock and I have created a Competition for P6 and P6/7.  The competition begins at 10am and ends at  4pm tonight.  It is based on the work you’ve been doing either in class or at home.  There are 10 places on the leader board.  How many names will there be on the Leader Board from P6 and how many names will there be from P6/7?   If your name appears on the Leader Board you’ll be rewarded with coins or if you spend at least 20 minutes on Sumdog, you’ll also be rewarded with coins.  Good Luck everyone!



Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog.  Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest.  The contest started on Friday at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm.


To end this week with some lovely positive news, EW’s cat has given birth! To 4 beautiful kittens. How cute are they?!🥰


Huge well done to EM for her fabulous motivational poster! 👏🤩

Have a lovely long weekend P6/7 and I will speak to you again on Tuesday, stay safe, keep smiling and be kind☺️ 🌈.


Miss Park

Wednesday 20th May 2020 🌞

Good morning P6/7 😁

Well done to AM, JF and GS for spending some time on Sumdog this week! You have won extra coins!


Spread the word, we need at least 10 pupils on to join the North Lanarkshire Challenge!


In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations.  To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables.  Here’s today’s game:

Select-> Times Tables ->Hit the Question -> Mixed.  You can decide whether you want to do Tables up to 10 or 12


I have created a subtraction assessment for you to try, 20 questions, it is available until 4pm today.



Spend some time on Sumdog joining in the North Lanarkshire Challenge! P6 are doing so well! Come on P6/7!





Look at the words you wrote down yesterday from the theme music and your C.S.I. What did you think are the themes throughout this book?


I can create a board game relating to the story line and theme of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Have a look at this example based on Danny the Champion of the World.

This board game takes you through the storyline. It has sections that requires you to either answer a question, spell a word or define a word’s meaning.

Can you create your own board game for our story? You could use “?” and have questions set up to answer.

You might decide to not use spelling or questions and perhaps draw a picture and someone has to say what was happening in the story or draw or write a character and they have to say who it is and what their personality was like.



Can you get someone to play your game at home? Or a friend over a video call or email it to me:


I hope you are able to spend some time outside in the sunshine, remember to stay safe and remember your sun-cream ☀️ 😎🌼

Miss Park x

Tuesday 19th May 2020 ✨🤩

Good Morning girls and boys. ☺️

Yesterday, we had  3  pupils on Sumdog, for our class to be counted in the North Lanarkshire challenge, we need at least 10 pupils to join in. If you can remind other pupils about this challenge, please do so! Come on P6/7!


📚 📖 📘📗📕📒📚📖📘📗📕📒

Remember, to keep using EPIC app or online to continue practising reading. Focus on your fluency and try and use expression. Reading also helps your writing skills!

class code: idt2922


HUGE WELL DONE TO EW, GS, EM, DB and AM! Fantastic effort on EPIC!


A child who reads will be an adult who thinks



What was your act of kindness yesterday?

What could you do today for someone?

Remember, post your ideas.


Today, we are going to finish our class novel, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 🦁 🧙‍♀️ 🚪

Read Ch 17, page 101:

or listen and read along to the chapter through this link: 👂 📖


I can discuss the theme of the book.

Think about the links to Christianity and the values within the religion. Think about the characters experiences. Think about our wall display from class, we split it in to 2 sections with the White Witch and Aslan, what did they each represent? Is there a lesson to be learned from this story?

Complete the activity C.S.I.

Colour Symbol Image
Why? Why? Why?




Listen to the theme music from the film.

Note down any words that pop into your head related to this music.

Is it fast/ slow? Is it happy/ sad/ intense? Do you think of certain scenes? Or characters? Do you think about lessons learned related to the theme?

Does it change throughout?

Why do you think they chose this music throughout the film?



In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations.  To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables.  Here’s today’s game:

Select-> Times Tables ->Hit the Answer -> Mixed.  You can decide whether you want to do Tables up to 10 or 12

Activities: I can subtract a 3 digit number from a 3/4 digit number.


To ensure your work is accurate, think about:

  • Estimating and checking an answer. It can be easy to make a careless mistake in a calculation so it is very helpful to estimate the answer before completing it using rounding or known facts.
  • Laying out a calculation. Remember the importance of lining up the digits correctly, particularly if there are two numbers of different sizes, e.g. a 6-digit number and a 4-digit number.
  • The importance of zero. It is particularly important in a written calculation to keep the digits in the columns where they belong.
  • Mental or written strategy. Look at a calculation and consider whether a mental or written strategy is most appropriate. Just because it is written as a formal calculation doesn’t mean you have to solve it that way. For example, the calculation 6034 – 5897 would be very difficult as a written calculation (as it involves exchange several times), but it is relatively easy to work out the difference by counting on.




Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog.  Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest.  The contest started on Friday at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm.

Come on P6/7!!

Monday 18th May 2020 🌟🙂

Good morning boys and girls! 😆

I hope you are all feeling good today and ready for another week of learning!

Remember to check out the main page of the blog where Mrs McMillans YouTube links will be up every Thursday!
“Take a moment” helps you to focus on your breathing and find calmness. It’s very important to take the time to practise these breathing techniques so you have them for if or when you need it.  It can help when feeling difficult emotions, as we all do from time to time. It fits perfectly with this weeks theme of Mental Health Awareness Week.

Mrs McMillan is letting us have a sneek peek into her bloopers from making her YouTube videos (it’s very funny! 🤣). This is a perfect example of the importance of never giving up and building resilience.



This week is Mental Health Awareness Week.

Earlier this year, we had an assembly on the book Lucy’s Blue Day, do you remember?

Watch and listen to this short clip. 

What do you think is they main/ key idea from this story?


This year, as you know, our class has focussed on kindness. What does being kind mean to you?

I can create a motivational/ positive/ kindness poster.

I would like you to create a poster.

It could include:

  • Colour (if possible)
  • A clear, bold message – (positive, motivational quote)
  • A poem
  • It might be ideas of how to help others, how to be kind, what to do when you feel down such as talk to family or friends over the phone, exercise, spend time outside, eat healthily
  • Pictures

You can post in on here or email me it if you would like to share it:

Here are some examples:


Can you do one act of kindness each day? You can comment on this post what you have done to give others ideas.



It might be a nice idea to display your poster somewhere if possible. Maybe you could put it on your window for those passing by to spread kindness and positivity at this hard time.



This week we are going to revise subtraction calculations.  To ensure your work is accurate, think about:

  • Estimating and checking an answer. It can be easy to make a careless mistake in a calculation so it is very helpful to estimate the answer before completing it using rounding or known facts.
  • Laying out a calculation. Remember the importance of lining up the digits correctly, particularly if there are two numbers of different sizes, e.g. a 6-digit number and a 4-digit number.
  • The importance of zero. It is particularly important in a written calculation to keep the digits in the columns where they belong.
  • Mental or written strategy. Look at a calculation and consider whether a mental or written strategy is most appropriate. Just because it is written as a formal calculation doesn’t mean you have to solve it that way. For example, the calculation 6034 – 5897 would be very difficult as a written calculation (as it involves exchange several times), but it is relatively easy to work out the difference by counting on.



In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations.  To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables.  Here’s today’s game:

Select from the column on the right: Mixed Tables.  This game focuses on the different vocabulary associated with multiplication.

Activities: I can subtract a 3 digit number from a 3 digit number.





Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog.  Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest.  The contest started on Friday 15th at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm.

We need as many people from our class as possible to have a go at the contest so that we can appear on the leader board.  Come on P6/7, let’s do this!!   Last week, I gave out coins to those children who spent time on Sumdog.  Let’s see if you can earn some coins for yourself this week!

Friday 15th May 2020 🥳

Good Morning everyone! Hope you all have that Friday feeling!  🌈🥳

A huge well done to AM, EM, DB, EW & GS for all of your effort on Epic this week!

A huge well done to these super stars still using Sumdog now and then too 🌟: AM,  JF, AB, CM, S-MC, DB, GS 👏





Using yesterday’s task, can you say how many jumps are there between each number?


  1. -4 and    -7

It takes 3 jumps to get from one to the other.

Try 12 – 19

Activity: I can count on and back between positive and negative numbers.



Create your own question that involves negative numbers, it can be something similar to what you have done this week. Give it to someone else to solve. You can even e-mail me it:



Log onto Epic

Then enter the code: idt2922 (This is the classcode.)

Select a book of your own choice.  How many book on Epic have you managed to read this week?

Activities: I can use its and it’s correctly.

Many people get confused with its and it’s.  Remember:

it’s is the shortened form of it is

its is to do with belonging,  something that belongs to it.


You DON’T need to write this passage out in your jotter. Just write 1-23 (there are 23 missing words) and decide whether you should write its or it’s.

Here are 1-8

Challenge: Try 9-23



Create a poster to teach others or when to use its and when to use it’s.

Thursday 14th May 2020 🌈🤩

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and feeling good ☺️✨.

It’s a good day to have a good day ⭐️🌼



(spread the word if you can)



Log onto Epic

Then enter the code:  idt2922

Select a book of your own choice.  What book do you fancy reading today?

Activities:I can identify what figures of speech mean (Common Expressions).

Read this explanation of figures of Speech or Common Expressions:


Now have a go at these two questions in your jotter:


Plenary: Can you match these sayings with their meanings?  Get someone at home or a friend online to give you a score out of 10.  Good Luck!




Order numbers from lowest to highest (remember in negative numbers, the higher the negative, the further away from 0 it is, the lower the number.)


-243 ,  -543, – 45, 0

Lowest is -543 (it is the furthest away from 0)

Then it would be -243

Then -45 (is getting closer to 0)

And the highest number is 0.

Try this game:

Activity: I can work out how much each child has.

If Clare has £25 but she owes £30, she technically has -£5 as she still owes £5.


Plenary: Go through each question and just say which number is highest OR write them out using the correct symbol  <    >  , remember the crocodile eats the largest number.

Wednesday 13th May 2020 ☀️ 🌼

Good Morning boys and girls 😁




Log onto Epic

Then enter the code:  (This is the classcode idt2922.)

Select a book of your own choice.  Will it be Fiction or Non-Fiction?


Activities: I can write clear concise directions.

Look carefully at this map.  Your friend is lost in Fantasy Land. You must write short, clear directions to help your friend find the way home.  Remember to include when they should keep quiet and when they should run as fast as possible.

To begin you must look carefully at the map and imagine what instructions and advice your friend would need.

Use this framework for writing your directions:

  1. First you must…..
  2. Then you……..
  3. Now you can…..
  4. Next you……..
  5. Finally you………


Write a paragraph explaining how your friend ended up lost in Fantasy Land.


Now share your directions with someone.  Do they think you’ve managed to save your friend?  Ask them for 2 stars and 1 wish.





On Sumdog, you have been allocated 5 quick questions.

Activity: I can order positive and negative numbers

Optional Challenge:

What is the highest temperature over the next week?

What is the lowest temperature over the next week?

What is Greenland’s highest temperature over the next week?

What is Greenland’s lowest temperature over the next week?

Compare Cumbernauld to Greenland.

Choose one day, what is the difference in temperature?

Have a look at the map of where the UK is located compared to Greenland?

Why do you think the temperature is a lot colder in Greenland?


Go on to this website:

You can sort the information by country or city.

Choose 4 countries/ or cities and order them warmest to coldest