All posts by Mr Green

Letters from the trench

Today P7 used their knowledge and writing skills to write trench letters from a soldierโ€™s perspective. They are very descriptive and highlight the horrors of trench warfare.

In the afternoon we finished off our Focused Learning sessions.



Wonderful Wednesday

Today we continued with our WW1 work and learned about trenches. We learned the different parts incorporated into the trench and roles they played to help soldiers. We also learned how dangerous they can be.

We continued our focused learning activities in the afternoon. Itโ€™s great seeing the creative ideas from the children and listen to them sharing their learning and ideas.

Terrific Tuesday

Today P7 worked today on converting 12 and 24 hour digital time to analogue. They are working on improving their speed and accuracy.

In the afternoon children continued with their focused learning – working ย on their selected activities and sharing their learning with others.

WW1 Focused Learning

Today we started working on our Pupil Voice focused learning activities. Children wanted to create a stop motion animation, create a war hero alter ego, build a model vehicle from the war and do some independent research on an area of their choice. The children will complete an activity each day this week. Mr Green was very impressed with day 1.

The Red Baron

We have a new class champion for our time game! Good job!

We followed up yesterdayโ€™s lesson with some more research on the Red Baron. Children highlighted information and recorded notes from the internet. The fact files created look amazing.

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning we participated in NLCs Sumdog challenge and worked on aspects of time. Changing digital to AM, PM and 24 hour time.

In the afternoon we looked at the Red Baron. A famous pilot from The Great War. We constructed WW1 style Biplanes.


Meet The Teacher ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿ˜Š

Meet the Teacher

As we sadly can’t have Meet the Teacher in school, we have all created virtual Meet the Teacher videos to introduce ourselves and show you around the classroom. P7 have created the script, filmed, photographed the content and edited our video to show you the work they have been doing so far. ๐ŸŒŸย 

Mr Green is currently creating everyone a log in for Microsoft Teams, which is what our homework will be on after the September weekend. There will be one piece of Literacy, Maths and Other. Pupils will complete and upload their document or a photo of their written work and I will be able to mark it and send it back. ย ๐Ÿ“šย 

At home, you can support your child by encouraging them to read, to practise their times tables (pupils should be aiming to have quick recall of all tables from 2-12). In class we have practised 2, 3, 4 and 6 times tables so far. Pupils can use Topmarks, Sumdog and Active Learn at home. I will set Sumdog challenges every two weeks. Pupils can also access books through Bug Club, which we will be doing in class too. ย ๐Ÿ“– โœ–๏ธ

Thank you for watching and I hope to see you all soon! ๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿ˜€

Stay safe,

Miss Park ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Outdoor PE

Primary 7 will be taking part in a 4 week block of outdoor physical education every Friday from Friday 28th August.ย  For this block of outdoor PE children will be asked to attend school on this day wearing a waterproof jacket, plain black or grey jogging bottoms, a school polo shirt and a school jumper.