Wednesday 29th April 2020 🌻⭐️

Morning boys and girls πŸ˜ƒ

Today, we are continuing with angles, however, we are going to learn how to work out the missing angle in triangle.



Let’s recap on each type of triangle:

All 3 angles in a triangle will always add up to 180 degrees.

Be careful with each type of triangle, your knowledge about them will help you solve missing angles.



I can find the missing angles.

All angles in an equilateral are the same.

So let’s have a look at right angled triangles. We know what one angle should be already from the name.

We know a right angle is 90 degrees.

We are given another angle.

We have to work out the final angle.

So take it step by step.

All three must = 180

  1. We have 90 degrees + 55 degrees = 145

Therefore, 180 degrees – 145 degrees = 35 degrees.

The missing angle is 35 degrees.

Now try b, c and d.


Draw your own example for a right angled triangle with a missing angle.

Give them to someone to try and work out (send a photo to a friend or give to a family member, or send them to me. πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ«


Recap verbally out loud or written each type of triangle.



There are so many superheroes helping our country right now.

Have a look at this picture below and choose which questions you would like to answer. (Choose at least 4, you can of course do them all if you wish 🌟).


  1. What do you think the phrase, β€œA picture is worth a thousand words” mean?
  2. List the names of the superheroes you can see in the image.
  3. What message is the creator of this image trying to get across?
  4. Can you create a title for the image?
  5. Add speech bubbles or thought clouds to the image or write them beside the names from question 2.
  6. Vocabulary challenge- use the image to help you generate at least 3 nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and at least 1 simile or metaphor.
  7. Use some of the vocabulary to write a caption for the image.
  8. Draw a picture of your own version of an NHS superhero and post on our school Twitter account using #nhsscotland to show your gratitude for all their hard work.


Create a storyboard, story of film incorporating either the image above or your own version or a superhero.


Please share your work, as I know it’s going to be super.


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