Friday 24th April 2020 – Maths

Mental Starter:

Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Doubles/Halves.


Today we are going to learn about polyhedrons or polyhedral (they both mean the same!).  For many of you this will be new learning but don’t panic just watch this video clip and you’ll learn how to name polyhedrons and work out if a shape is a polyhedron or not.

I can identify polyhedrons (Polyhedra)


Have a go at the explore section on P39.


Have a go at Friday’s Shape Challenge on Sumdog.  There are 250 possible coins to collect.  Good Luck!!

I will keep the house open today also!


4 thoughts on “Friday 24th April 2020 – Maths”

  1. Aww, thank you so much you two 🌟. Eva yours was super!! If you’d like I can post it on here 🐅👏⭐️?
    Stay safe 🌈

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